Transliteration:( Wal laili iza sajaa )
The word Chaasht (mid-morning) refers to mid-morning in general, and "the night when it covers" refers to the last portion of the night. These times are significant because Chaasht and Tahajjud Salaah are offered during these hours.
Significant events took place during these times:
Therefore, these two times are significant and worthy of being sworn upon.
Chaasht as the Blessed Countenance of the Holy Prophet ﷺ:
Chaasht as External Events and Night as Hidden Mysteries:
The Era of Prophethood and the Period After:
The Rise and Decline of Islam:
The tafsir of Surah Ad-Duha verse 2 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ad-Duha ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 11.
(93:2) and by the night when it covers the world with peace:[2]
2. The word saja in the original does not only signify thespreading of darkness but it also contains the meaning ofstillness and peace that prevails at night. This quality ofnight deeply relates to the theme that follows.
[1941]- And becomes still.
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