Transliteration:( Wa wa jadaka daal lan fahada )
"He found you deeply immersed [7] in His love, so He guided you"
The word "Dwaal" in Arabic has five meanings:
Infidel or One Who Has Gone Astray
Unaware or Stranger
Lost in One’s Own Thoughts
A Symbol of Identification
The First Meaning (Infidel or Astray):
The Second Meaning (Unaware or Stranger):
Symbol of Guidance:
Surrounded by Infidels Yet Guided:
Dwaal as Attraction or Absorption in Divine Love:
Comparison with Hazrat Musa (Peace Be Upon Him):
Granting of Sulook (Cordial Relation):
The tafsir of Surah Ad-Duha verse 7 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ad-Duha ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 11.
(93:7) Did He not find you unaware of the Right Way, and then directed you to it?[7]
7. The word daallan as used in the original is derived fromdalalat, which has several meanings in Arabic. Its onemeaning is to be lost in error and deviation; another, to beunaware of the way and to be bewildered at the crossroadsas to which way one should choose; still another meaning isof being lost and astray. The tree also is daallah whichstands alone and lonely in the desert; the word dalal is alsoused for a thing which is wasting in unfavorable anduncongenial condition and climate, and also forheedlessness, of which there is an example in the Quranitself: La yadillu Rabbi wa la yansa, My Lord is neitherheedless nor He forgets. (Surah TaHa, Ayat 52). Out ofthese different meanings. The first meaning does not applyhere, for in the historical accounts of the Prophet’s (peacebe upon him) life, from childhood till just beforeProphethood, there is no trace that he ever might have beeninvolved in idolatry, polytheism or atheism, or in any of theacts, customs and practices of paganism prevalent amonghis people. Therefore, inevitably wa-wa-jadaka-daallancannot mean that Allah had found him erring and astray inrespect of creed or deed. The other meanings, however, canbe applicable here in one or other aspect, and possibly allare applicable in their own particular aspect. BeforeProphethood the Prophet (peace be upon him) wascertainly a believer in the existence of Allah and His Unity,and his life was free from sin and reflected excellentmorals, yet he was unaware of true faith, its principles andinjunctions, as it has been pointed out in the Quran: Youdid not know at all what was the Book and what was thefaith. (Surah Ash-Shura, Ayat 52). This verse may alsomean that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was lost in asociety, engrossed in ignorance, and his personality as aguide and leader was not in anyway prominent beforeProphethood. It may as well mean that in the desert ofignorance, he was standing like a lonely tree, which had thecapability to bear fruit and turn the whole desert into agarden, but this capability was not being put to any usebefore Prophethood. It may also imply that theextraordinary powers, that Allah had blessed him with,were going waste in the unfavorable environment ofignorance. Dalal can also be taken in the meaning ofheedlessness, so as to say: You were heedless of the truthand signs of which Allah made you aware afterProphethood. This thing also has been referred to in theQuran itself: Though before this you were utterly unawareof this truth. (Surah Yusuf, Ayat 3). Also see( Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 282); (Surah Ash-Shuara, Ayat 20).
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