Transliteration:( Innal-insana lirabbihee lakanood )
In this verse, ingratitude is highlighted as a significant disease that affects the heart and soul of a person. Allah Almighty points out that many people, despite the abundant bounties they receive, remain ungrateful—either by rejecting the blessings of Allah altogether or by attributing them to someone or something else. Gratitude, according to the Qur'an, can manifest in several forms: heartfelt gratitude, verbal expressions, and practical actions.
Gratitude as a Sign of True Faith:
Forms of Ingratitude:
The Disease of Ingratitude:
Humanity’s Ingratitude:
The Importance of Gratitude:
Curing Ingratitude:
The Role of Prophets and Saints:
Practice Gratitude Regularly:
Surround Yourself with the Grateful:
Reflect on the Source of Blessings:
Consider the Condition of Others:
Ingratitude is one of the gravest spiritual ailments a person can have. It leads to disobedience, arrogance, and denial of Allah’s mercy and blessings. However, by recognizing Allah’s bounties as a trust, by surrounding oneself with grateful companions, and by reflecting on the lives of the Prophets and Saints, believers can cure the disease of ingratitude and live a life of true thankfulness.
The tafsir of Surah Adiyat verse 6 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Adiyat ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 11.
(100:6) Verily man is most ungrateful to his Lord;[4]
4. This is for which an oath has been sworn by the horses, which run with panting breath and dash off sparks at night, then raising dust rush to assault a settlement at dawn and penetrate into the enemy host. It is astonishing to note that a large number of the commentators have taken these horses to imply the horses of the Muslim fighters and the enemy host to imply the host of disbelievers, whereas the oath has been sworn to impress the point that man is highly ungrateful to his Lord. Now, obviously, in the course of Jihad for the sake of Allah, the rushing forth of the fighters’ horses and their assaulting a host of disbelievers all of a sudden, does not at all support the point that man is ungrateful to his Lord, nor the following sentences, viz. man himself is a witness to it, and he loves the worldly wealth with all his heart, apply to the people who go out to fight in the cause of Allah. Therefore, one will have to admit that the oaths sworn in the first five verses of this Surah, refer, in fact, to the general bloodshed, looting and plunder prevalent in Arabia at that time. In the pre-Islamic days of ignorance the night was a very dreadful thing: in it the people of every tribe and settlement apprehended the danger of a sudden attack by some unknown enemy, and when the light of day appeared they would heave a sigh of relief that the night had passed in peace. The tribes did not fight only retaliatory wars but different tribes also raided others in order to deprive them of their worldly goods and herds and to capture their women and children to be made slaves. This kind of tyranny and plunder was carried out mostly by means of the horses, which Allah is presenting here as an argument for the fact that man is ungrateful to his Lord. That is the powers which man is employing for fighting, shedding blood and plundering had not been given him by God for this purpose. Therefore this indeed is sheer ingratitude that the resources granted by Allah and the power given by Him should be used for causing chaos and corruption to spread in the earth, which Allah abhors.
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