Transliteration:( Iz jaaa'ookum min fawqikum wa min asfala minkum wa iz zaaghatil absaaru wa balaghatil quloobul hanaajira wa tazunnoona billaahiz zunoonaa )
23. This means Banu Ghatfaan, the infidels of Najd and Asad, Banu Ghatfaan were situated on the upper side of the valley of Madina i.e. they had come from the eastern side. Their leaders were Ainiyyah ibn Hisseen and Amir bn Tufail. They were accompanied by Jews as well. The infidels of Quraish with Banu Kinanah came from the lower part of the valley of Madina i.e. from the easterly direction. Their leader was Abu Sufiyaan.
24. The Battle of the Trench took place in Shawwaal 4 Hijri when the Holy Prophet had banished Banu Nazeer from Madina Munawwarah because of their breach of promise.
These Jews went to Makkah and urged the Quraish to wage war on the believers.Then these very Jews went to the tribes of Ghattaan. Qais, Ghatlan, elc and made them ready for war. When all the tribes were ready to declare war on the Muslims, then some people from the tribe of Banu Khiza came to give information of all these preparations. On receiving this information, the Holy Prophet on the advice of Hazrat Salman farsi, arranged for trenches to be Jug around Madina Munawwarah, in which he himself took part.
After they had just completed the digging of the trenches, an army of twelve thousand pounced on the believers. However, at the sight of the trenches, they were taken aback. Prior to this, the Arabs were not aware of such trenchies In short, they had laid siege to Madina Munawwarah for twenty-four days. which had caused a great deal of hardship for the believers.
At that point in time, the monetary condition of the believers was very tight. But Allah Almighty helped the believers by sending upon the enemy cyclonic winds. severe colds and Irightening darkness of the nicht which uprooted the tents of the infidels.broke their tent ropes and uprooted their pegs.
Their animals ran in all directions and people fell down on the ground. The appearance of angels created terror in the hearts of the infidals to such an extent that all of them took to their heels. But, this wind was only in the camp of the infidels. Beyond them, there was nothing. In this defeat the infidels were unable to take their possessions with them, leaving behind a great deal of wealth, which came into Muslim hands (Tafseer Khazainul Irfaan, Jumeel, etc.).25. You were under the impression that the Muslims would be totally obliterated from the world because the infidels had attacked you with all their might. This despondency and hopelessness was a natural reaction of theirs, and not because of the possibility of false promise of Allah Almighty. It is due to this, that Allah Almighty did not censure them, and in declaring these pious personages, praised their patience and forbearance.
The tafsir of Surah Ahzab verse 10 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ahzab ayat 9 which provides the complete commentary from verse 9 through 10.
(33:10) When they came upon you from above you and from below you,[20] when your eyes were stupefied with horror and your hearts leapt to your throats, and you began to entertain diverse thoughts about Allah.
20. It may mean: The enemies came upon you from every side, and also that those coming from Najd and Khaiber came from above and those coming from Makkah from below you.”
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