Transliteration:( Summa laa yamootu feehaa wa laa yahyaa )
✅ The people of Hell will neither die nor truly live.
✅ Their suffering will be continuous, without the relief of death.
✅ Unlike worldly pain, which ends with death, the torment in Hell will be endless.
✅ (اللَّهُ) Allah has decreed that the disbelievers will remain in Hellfire 🔥 forever.
✅ It is not true life because it lacks comfort and peace.
✅ It is not death because suffering continues without an end.
✅ The people of Hell will plead for death, but it will never come.
Those in Hell will exist in a state of extreme suffering, unable to die or find relief. This is the ultimate punishment—a life without comfort and a death that never comes.
The tafsir of Surah Al-Ala verse 13 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Al-Ala ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 13.
(87:13) Then he will neither die in it, nor live.[12]
12. That is, he will neither die so as to escape the punishment nor live as one truly lives so as to enjoy the pleasures of life. This punishment is for those who do not at all accept the admonition of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) and persist in disbelief, polytheism and atheism till death. As for those who believe in their hearts but are cast into Hell because of their evil deeds, it has been said in the Hadith that when they will have undergone their punishment, Allah will give them death; then intercession on their behalf will be accepted, and their scorched bodies will be brought to the canals of Paradise, and the dwellers of Paradise will be asked to sprinkle water on them; then by that water they will come to life even as vegetation grows up when water is sprinkled on the earth. This theme has been reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) in Muslim on the authority of Abu Saeed Khudri and in Bazzar on the authority of Abu Hurairah.
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