Quran-87:3 Surah Al-ala English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

وَٱلَّذِي قَدَّرَ فَهَدَىٰ

Transliteration:( Wallazee qaddara fahadaa )

3. And Who determines [4] and guides [5]. (Human beings) (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(3) And who destined and [then] guided (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Al-A'la Ayat 3 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

🛡️ The One Who Determines and Guides

📖 Tafseer (Commentary) of Ayah 87:3-5

🔹 Divine Measurement and Guidance

✅ (اللَّهُ) Allah determines everything with precise measurement and grants guidance to His creation.
✅ Our limbs, conditions, attributes, sustenance, life, and death are all measured and recorded in the Divine Tablet.

🔴 4️⃣ Measured Blessings in the World, Limitless Rewards in Paradise

1️⃣ The world is a place of trade, where everything is measured and accounted for.
2️⃣ Paradise is a place of limitless bounty, where rewards will have no restrictions.
3️⃣ (اللَّهُ) Allah says: "No doubt, measure" (Surah Aal-e-Imran: 37), confirming that in this world, things are given in fixed amounts, but in the Hereafter, blessings will be without limits.

🔴 5️⃣ Natural and Spiritual Guidance

1️⃣ Instinctive Guidance: Every creature naturally knows its food, medicine, and way of life.
2️⃣ Animals Display Divine Wisdom: Some animals build homes in ways that astonish humans.
3️⃣ Infants Recognizing Their Mothers: Even a newborn instinctively cries for its mother’s care.

🔹 Prophetic and Angelic Guidance

4️⃣ Guidance Through Prophets and Pious Servants

  • Prophets and saints are a means of spiritual guidance.
  • Hazrat Sulaiman's (peace be upon him) Hud-Hud (hoopoe bird) became a source of guidance for the people of Yemen.
  • Rejecting the Noble Companions as sources of guidance is sheer ignorance.

5️⃣ Angels and Their Roles in Divine Measurement

  • Hazrat Izraeel (peace be upon him): Knows the lifespan of every individual.
  • Hazrat Mikail (peace be upon him): Manages the sustenance of every person.
  • Without this divine organization, the world would fall into chaos.

6️⃣ The Knowledge of the Holy Prophet ﷺ

  • The Holy Prophet ﷺ is granted superior knowledge beyond all creation.
  • He has been made fully aware of divine measures, as reported in many Ahadith.

🔹 Guidance Towards Destiny

7️⃣ (اللَّهُ) Allah has already determined who will enter Jannah 🌳 and who will be destined for Hell 🔥.
8️⃣ He then guides each individual towards the path they were created for.

9️⃣ Different Worship for Different Creations

  • Every creation glorifies (اللَّهُ) Allah in its unique way.
  • Even plants and animals engage in Tasbeeh (glorification) with different effects.
  • Human guidance and misguidance are measured differently, and each heart is inclined toward its destined path.

Thus, (اللَّهُ) Allah's perfect measurement ensures balance in both this world and the Hereafter.


The tafsir of Surah Al-Ala verse 3 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Al-Ala ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 13.


(87:3) Who determined[3] and guided them,[4]

3. Set a destiny: Determined beforehand what would be the function of a certain thing in the world, and for that purpose what would be its size, its form and shape, its qualities, its place of location, and what opportunities and means should be provided for its survival, existence and functioning, when it should come into being, and when and how it should cease to be after completing its part of the work. Such a scheme for a thing is its destiny (taqdir). And this destiny Allah has set for everything in the universe and for the entire universe as a whole. This means that the creation has not come about without a pre-conceived plan, haphazardly, but for it the Creator had a full plan before Him, and everything is happening according to that plan. (For further explanation, see (Surah Al-Hijr, ayat 20-21); (Surah Al-Furqan, ayat 3); (Surah Al-Qamar, ayat 49). (Surah Abasa, ayat 18).

4. That is, nothing was just created and left to itself, but whatever was created to perform a certain function, it was also taught the method of performing that function. In other words, He is not merely the Creator but Guide too. He has taken the responsibility to give guidance to whatever He has created in a particular capacity to fit its nature and to guide it in the way suitable for it. One kind of guidance is for the earth, the moon, the sun, and the stars and planets, which they are following in performing their role. Another kind of guidance is for water, air, light and the solid and mineral elements, and they are performing the same services for which they have been created accordingly. Still another kind of guidance is for vegetables, according to which they take root and spread in the earth, sprout up from its layers, obtain food from wherever Allah has created it for them, produce stem, branches, leaves, blossom and fruit, and fulfill the function which has been appointed for each of them. Still another kind of guidance is for the countless species of animals of the land, and water, and for each member of the species, the wonderful manifestations of which are clearly visible in the life of the animals and in their works, so much so that even an atheist is compelled to concede that different kinds of animals possess some sort of inspirational knowledge which man cannot obtain even through his instruments, not to speak of his senses. Then, there are two different kinds of guidance for man, which correspond to his two different capacities. One kind of guidance is for his animal life, by which each child learns to suck milk spontaneously on birth, by which the eyes of man, his nose, ear, heart, brain, lungs, kidney, liver, stomach, intestines, nerves, veins and arteries, all are performing their respective functions, without man’s being conscious of it, or his will’s having anything to do with the functions of these organs. This is the guidance under which all physical and mental changes pertaining to childhood, maturity, youth and old age go on taking place in man, independent of his will, choice, even his consciousness. The second kind of guidance is for his intellectual and conscious life, the nature of which is absolutely different from the guidance for unconscious life, for in this sphere of life a kind of freedom has been transferred to man, for which the mode of guidance meant for voluntary life is not suitable. For turning away from this last kind of guidance, man may offer whatever arguments and excuses he may like, it is not credible that the Creator Who has arranged guidance for everything in this universe according to its capacity, might have set for man the destiny that he may appropriate numerous things in His world freely, but might not have made any arrangement to show what is the right way of using his choice and what is the wrong way. For further explanation, see (Surah An-Nahl, ayat 68); (Surah TaHa, ayat 50), (Surah Ar-Rahman, ayat 55); (Surah Ad-Dahr, ayat 7).

(3) And who destined and [then] guided

Surah Al-A'la All Ayat (Verses)


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