Quran Quote  :  Have they taken earthly gods who are such that they raise up the dead to life? - 21:21

Quran-96:13 Surah Al-alaq English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

أَرَءَيۡتَ إِن كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلَّىٰٓ

Transliteration:( Ara-aita in kaz zaba wa ta walla )

13. Will you see, if he belied and turned back then what would be his condition [14]? (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(13) Have you seen if he denies and turns away - (Saheen International Translation)

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Surah Al-Alaq Ayat 13 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

Will You See, If He Belied and Turned Back, Then What Would Be His Condition? (Surah Al-Alaq, 96:13-14)

The Consequence of Disbelief and Rebellion Against the Prophet ﷺ

  1. Context and Meaning of the Verse:

    • This verse addresses Abu Jahl, who denied the truth and turned away from faith despite being in the presence of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The verse describes the dire consequences he will face for his disbelief and disobedience.
    • The implication is that those who deny the truth while in the presence of the Prophet ﷺ will be held in a much worse condition than other infidels. Just as a criminal in a courtroom is worse for committing a crime in front of a Magistrate, Abu Jahl's rejection of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, despite witnessing his truth, renders him even more sinful than those who never had the opportunity to hear the message directly.
  2. Key Lessons and Insights:

    • The verse underscores that the disobedience of the Prophet ﷺ is not merely a personal act but a public act of defiance in the presence of truth. Abu Jahl's rejection and belittling of the Prophet ﷺ made his sin far graver.
    • Seeing the Prophet ﷺ and still denying him elevates the sin of disbelief to a level that is worse than that of others who may not have encountered the Prophet ﷺ.

Key Takeaways and Religious Issues:

  1. Obedience to the Prophet ﷺ is Mandatory, Even for Non-Believers:

    • Obedience to the Holy Prophet ﷺ is not limited to believers; even non-believers are obligated to show respect and obedience to him. Those who belie and disobey the Prophet ﷺ after having seen him and heard his message are severely punished.
    • The verse makes it clear that disbelief in the Prophet ﷺ while being directly exposed to his message is a greater sin than the disbelief of those who never encountered him.
  2. Punishment for Rejection and Disobedience:

    • Rejection of faith after having received the truth carries a heavier penalty. The verse illustrates that Abu Jahl's fate is especially grim due to his refusal to accept the truth despite having the opportunity to witness the Prophet ﷺ.
    • The verse also warns that sinful Muslims who turn away from obedience to Allah and the Prophet ﷺ are also at risk of punishment. Even if they claim faith, their disobedience and rebellion against the teachings of Islam will result in divine retribution.


The tafsir of Surah Alaq verse 13 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Alaq ayat 6 which provides the complete commentary from verse 6 through 19.


(96:13) Did you consider: what if he gives the lie (to the Truth) and turns away (from it)?

There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.

(13) Have you seen if he denies and turns away -

Surah Al-Alaq All Ayat (Verses)


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