Transliteration:( Wa lahoo man fis samaawaati wal ard; wa man 'indahoo laa yastakbiroona 'an 'ibaada tihee wa laa yastahsiroon )
28. From this it is hinted that the son, and the wife cannot be the property of the father and the husband because Allah Almighty had said that every creation between the heavens and the earth belong to Me, then how can any one of them be My wife and son?
29. This means those angels who enjoy nearness and who are known as the close and favorite angels to who the affairs of the world are entrusted, they are called "the managers of the affairs".Â
30. Allah Almighty grants this power to some of His beings who are human in form but angels in character. Our Holy Prophet ? on the occasion of continuous fasting would give up food and drink for a number of days but would not reveal any sign of weakness.Â
Hazrat Bayazid Bistami (May Allah be pleased with him) did not drink water for three years without experiencing any adverse effect. Hazrat Sadrul Afadil Moulana Sardar Ahmed (On whom be peace) had said that Ala Hazrat did not eat or drink for a full fifteen days, the sixteenth day was Ramadaan on which he made Iftaar and until his last moments of life ate very little.
The tafsir of Surah Anbiya verse 19 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Anbiya ayat 16 which provides the complete commentary from verse 16 through 20.
(21:19) To Him[18] belongs whosoever dwells in the heavens and on earth. Those (angels) that are with Him[19] neither disdain to serve Him out of pride, nor do they weary of it.[20]
18. From here begins the discourse on the confirmation of Tauhid and the refutation of shirk for these were the actual bases of the conflict between the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the disbelievers of Makkah. The line of argument is this: The whole system of the universe is a clear proof that there is One Allah Who is its Creator, Sovereign, Ruler, and Lord and it is a falsehood that there are many gods who are partners in His Kingdom and Sovereignty, or that there is a Supreme God Who has under Him some minor gods to conduct the affairs of His Kingdom. This proof is also based on the preceding verses in which it has been stated that the universe has not been created as a pastime or a plaything, but for a serious purpose and that there has always been a conflict between the truth and falsehood, and falsehood has always been defeated and destroyed.
19. That is, the angels whom the mushriks of Arabia believed to be the children of God and worshiped them as partners in Godhead.
20. That is, they are engaged in His service day and night without grumbling or ever feeling wearied.
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