Quran-21:67 Surah Al-anbiya English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

أُفّٖ لَّكُمۡ وَلِمَا تَعۡبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِۚ أَفَلَا تَعۡقِلُونَ

Transliteration:( Uffil lakum wa limaa ta'budoona min doonil laah; afalaa ta'qiloon )

67. Woe upon you and those deities, which you worship besides Allah, do you then have no wisdom? [98] (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(67) Uff[894] to you and to what you worship instead of Allāh. Then will you not use reason?" (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Al-Anbiya Ayat 67 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

98. From this we learn that a Prophet does not have fear for people. "They have no fear" (S10:V62). Also, they do not have consideration for the people when in the path of Allah Almighty, neither for a king nor for a father or other relatives. Observe, Hazrat Ebrahim (On whom be peace) is boldly and fearlessly speaking to the infidels all by himself. Also rebuking and scolding the infidels at times is the Sunnah of Hazrat Ebrahim (On whom be peace) for he said to them: Fie on you" Says Allah Almighty: "And be strict to them" (S9:V73) Those who propagate that we should regard every one as our brother should take heed from this,



The tafsir of Surah Anbiya verse 67 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Anbiya ayat 64 which provides the complete commentary from verse 64 through 67.

(21:67) Fie upon you and upon all that you worship beside Allah. Do you have no sense?”


(21:67) Fie upon you and upon all that you worship beside Allah. Do you have no sense?”

There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.

(67) Uff[894] to you and to what you worship instead of Allāh. Then will you not use reason?"

[894]- An exclamation of anger and displeasure.

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