Transliteration:( Wa atee'ul laaha wa Rasoolahoo wa laa tanaaza'oo fatafshaloo wa tazhaba reehukum wasbiroo; innal laaha ma'as saabireen )
105. From this we learn that since Holy War is an elevated form of worship, it should not be for name or fame Its intention should be for the protection and safety of Islam, without any form of arrogance. However, brave talks in the presence of the infidels is not pride. but a good act
106. From this emerge a few issues:
1. Personal squabbles are a cause of one's weakness;Â
2. To remove disunity one should show greater obedience to Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet ? This leads to unity.
3. During the battle. Allah Almighty send the wind of success and victory called SABA. If out of their homes, boastfully, and the above mentioned instructions are not carried out, this wind will not come. (Tafseer Ruhul Bayaan) Or, by tied strength could mean lifting of one's awe and fear
107. From this we learn that although obedience of Allah Almighty and His Beloved is important under Prophet ? all circumstances, but it is more important during Holy War, so that due to its blessings success and victory would be obtained.Â
It is for this reason Jama'at is not excused even in the midst of a battle. Here Salaah of Fear should be offered as already mentioned in the QUR'AAN. How unfortunate are those who miss their Salaah without any reason
The tafsir of Surah Al-Anfal verse 46 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Anfal ayat 45 which provides the complete commentary from verse 45 through 46.
(8:46) And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not quarrel with one another lest you should lose courage and your power depart. Be steadfast, surely Allah is with those who remain steadfast.[37]
37. The believers were asked to exercise self-restraint. They were required to refrain from haste, panic, consternation, creed and uncalled-for enthusiasm. They were counselled to proceed cool-headedly and to take well-considered decisions. They were also asked not to relent an inch even in the face of crave dangers: refrain from acting rashly under provocation; to desist from taking hasty action out of impatience. They were also asked to exercise control over themselves lest they were tempted by worldly gains. All these instructions are implicit in the Qur’anic directive of patience given to the Muslims. God extends all help and support to those who exercise ‘patience’ (sabr) in the above sense.
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