Transliteration:( Zaalika bi annal laaha lam yakumu ghaiyiran ni'matan an'amahaa 'alaa qawmin hattaa yughaiyiroo maa bianfusihim wa annallaaha samee'un 'Aleem )
124. Allah Almighty provided the infidels sanctuary, sustenance and honour while in their homes in Makkah. Eventually He even sent them His final Prophet, who is the highest Bounty of Allah Almighty. But these infidels became ungrateful for receiving these bounties by becoming polytheists, evil doers and opponents of As a result the Holy Prophet ?. Allah Almighty took away their peace and sustenance. Bounty increases with expression of gratitude, ungratefulness results in Divine punishment.
125. The present verse is the commentary of this verse: "Verily Allah alters not His blessings from any people until they themselves alter their condition." (S13:V11) The purpose of this verse too is to intimate that Allah Almighty does not snatch His bounties from any nation or people until such time that they change their conditions.Â
They left obedience punishment comes as a result of our evil doings. Hazrat Moulana Rum says: "Our capability is not a condition for Him to bestow bounties but His Grandeur is the condition for His Bounties." Allah Almighty had blessed the people of Makkah with numerous bounties. What good deeds were they performing from before? Allah Almighty had Sayeda Miriam with sainthood from birth, Hazrat Adam (On whom be peace) was blessed with prophethood and made an object of prostration of angels at birth. Thus there is inconsistency in the verse
53. That is so because Allah will never change a grace which He has bestowed on a people until they change what is in themselves. And verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. 54. Similar to the behavior of the people of Fir`awn, and those before them. They belied the Ayat of their Lord, so We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned the people of Fir`awn for they were all wrongdoers.
Allah affirms His perfect justice and fairness in His decisions, for He decided that He will not change a bounty that He has granted someone, except on account of an evil that they committed. Allah said in another Ayah,
(Verily, Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves. But when Allah wills a people’s punishment, there can be no turning it back, and they will find besides Him no protector.) ﴿13:11﴾
Allah said next,
(Similar to the behavior of the people of Fir`awn,) meaning, He punished Fir`awn and his kind, those who denied His Ayat. Allah destroyed them because of their sins, and took away the favors that He granted them, such as gardens, springs, plants, treasures and pleasant dwellings, as well as all of the delights that they enjoyed. Allah did not wrong them, but it is they who wronged themselves.
(8:53) This happened because Allah is not one to change the favour which He has bestowed upon a people until they have changed their attitude.[40], Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
40. Unless a nation renders itself totally unworthy of God’s favour, it is not deprived of it.
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