Transliteration:( Wa iz ya'idukumul laahu ihdat taaa'ifataini annahaa lakum wa tawaddoona anna ghaira zaatish shawkati takoonu lakum wa yureedul laahu ai yuhiqqal haqqa bikalimaatihee wa yaqta'a daabiral kaafireen )
13. The mercantile caravan of Abu Sufyaan and the army led by Abu Jahal.Â
14. On the occasion of the Battle of Badr the Muslims had not set out from Madinatul Munawwarah with the intention of being engaged in a military confrontation with the Non-believers but with the intention of confronting and overpowering the caravan of Abu Sufyan and seizing the equipment and the wealth found in it so that they would not use this wealth for waging future wars with the Muslims. However, this caravan escaped through another route and resulted in bringing the non-believers to wage war on the Muslims By that in which there is no rankle' denotes this caravan of Abu Sufyan.
15. By this is meant that the Battle of Badr should take place in which Quraishi leaders should be slained at the hands of Muslim youth, and a great deal of spoils of war should come in Muslim hands, many infidels should come as captives in Muslim hands who would eventually become Muslims. From this we learn that sometimes worldly difficulties end in a splendid and dignified way.
The tafsir of Surah Al-Anfal verse 7 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Anfal ayat 5 which provides the complete commentary from verse 6 through 8.
(8:7) And recall when Allah promised you that one of the two hosts would fall to you,[5] and you wished that the one without arms should fall into your hands.[6] But Allah sought to prove by His words the truth to be true and to annihilate the unbelievers to the last remnant
5. God’s promise was that the Muslims would be able to overcome whichever of the two parties they wished to attack – the trading caravan or the Quraysh army.
6. This refers to the trading caravan which had some 30 to 40 armed guards for protection.
[438]- i.e., either the caravan of Quraysh or their army.
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