Transliteration:( Wa qaala innamat takhaz tum min doonil laahi awsaanam mawaddata bainikum fil hayaatid dunyaa summa Yawmal Qiyaamati yakfuru ba'dukum biba'dinw wa yal'anu ba'dukum ba'danw wa ma'waakumun Naaru wa maa lakum min naasireen )
25. And Ibrahim said. You have indeed taken besides Allah these idols with which your friendship is within the span of the life of the world (53). Then on the day of resurrection you will deny each other (54) and will curse each other( 55) And the abode of you all is the Hell (56) and you will have no helper.(57)
The tafsir of Surah Ankabut verse 25 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ankabut ayat 24 which provides the complete commentary from verse 24 through 25.
(29:25) He said:[41] “You have taken up idols instead of Allah as a bond of love among yourselves[42] in the present life, but on the Day of Resurrection you will disown and curse one another.[43] Your refuge shall be the Fire, and none will come to your aid.”
41. The Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) must have said this after his safe deliverance from the fire.
42. That is, you have built up your collective life on the foundation of idol worship instead of God worship. This can keep you bound together as a nation only to the extent of mundane life. For here in this world people can get together around any creed, true or false. Any kind of agreement and concord on any belief, however wrong and ill conceived, can become a means of the establishment of mutual friendships, kinships, brotherhoods, and all other religious, social, cultural, economic and political relationships.
43. That is, the collective life that you have built on the false creed in the world cannot endure in the Hereafter. Only those relationships of love and friendship and cooperation and kinship and mutual regard and esteem will endure there, which have been based on the worship of One God and virtue and piety in the world. All relationships founded on disbelief and shirk and deviation will be severed, and all kinds of love will change into enmity and hatred. The son and the father, the husband and the wife, the saint and the disciple, all will curse each other, and each will blame his deviation on the other, and will say, “This wicked person led me astray: he should be given a double punishment.” This thing has been stated at several places in the Quran. For example, in Surah Az-Zukhruf, it has been said: “Friends on that Day shall become enemies of one another, except the righteous,” (Surah Az-Zukhruf, Ayat 67). In Surah Al-Aaraf: “As each generation will be entering Hell, it will curse its preceding generation till all generations shall be gathered together there: then each succeeding generation will say regarding the preceding one; O Lord, these were the people who led us astray; therefore, give them a double chastisement of the Fire,” (Surah Al-Aaraf, Ayat 38). And in Surah Al- Ahzab: “And they will say; Our Lord, we obeyed our chiefs and our great men, and they led us astray from the right path. Lord, give them a doable chastisement and curse them severely,” (Surah Al-Ahzab, Ayat 67-68).
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