Quran-29:4 Surah Al-ankabut English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

أَمۡ حَسِبَ ٱلَّذِينَ يَعۡمَلُونَ ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِ أَن يَسۡبِقُونَاۚ سَآءَ مَا يَحۡكُمُونَ

Transliteration:( Am hasibal lazeena ya'maloonas sayyiaati any yasbiqoonaa; saaa'a maa yahkumoon )

4. Do those who commit evil deeds think they will escape Us? [6] Evil is what they judge. [7] (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(4) Or do those who do evil deeds think they can outrun [i.e., escape] Us? Evil is what they judge. (Saheen International Translation)

Related Ayat(Verses)/Topics

Surah Al-Ankabut Ayat 4 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

6. Infidelity and polytheism and sin with infidelity. In it, the focus is on the infidels and not on the sinful believers.

7. In that We may not have the power to retaliate against them. Or that they should reach someone else's domain or the refuge of another deity.



The tafsir of Surah Ankabut verse 4 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ankabut ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 4.

(29:4) Do the evil-doers[4] suppose that they will get the better of Us?[5] How evil is their judgement!


(29:4) Do the evil-doers[4] suppose that they will get the better of Us?[5] How evil is their judgement!

4. This may refer to all those people who disobey Allah’s commands but here particularly it implies those wicked chiefs of the Quraish, who were in the forefront in their antagonism to Islam and persecution of the converts to Islam, e.g. Walid bin Mughirah, Abu Jahl, Utbah, Shaibah, Uqbah bin Abi Muait, Hanzalah bin Wail, etc. Here the context itself requires that after exhorting the Muslims to patience and fortitude against the trials and tests, those people also should be chided and scolded, who were persecuting the believers.

5. It may also mean: “that they will escape Our grasp.” The words yasbiquna in the original may have two meanings: (1) “Whatever we will (i.e. the success of the mission of Our Messenger) should meet with failure, and whatever they wish (i.e. to frustrate the mission of Our Messenger) should be accomplished;” and (2) “We may want to seize them for their excesses and they should be able to escape and get out of Our reach.”

(4) Or do those who do evil deeds think they can outrun [i.e., escape] Us? Evil is what they judge.

Surah Al-Ankabut All Ayat (Verses)

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