Quran-7:29 Surah Al-araf English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

قُلۡ أَمَرَ رَبِّي بِٱلۡقِسۡطِۖ وَأَقِيمُواْ وُجُوهَكُمۡ عِندَ كُلِّ مَسۡجِدٖ وَٱدۡعُوهُ مُخۡلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَۚ كَمَا بَدَأَكُمۡ تَعُودُونَ

Transliteration:( Qul amara Rabbee bilqisti wa aqeemoo wujoohakum 'inda kulli masjidin wad'oohu mukhliseena lahud deen; kamaa bada akum ta'oodoon )

29. Say, "My Lord has commanded justice [58] and that you maintain yourselves at every place of worship, calling upon Him, dedicating [59] your religion solely to Him. Just as He created you, so will you return" [60]. (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(29) Say, [O Muḥammad], "My Lord has ordered justice and that you direct yourselves [to the Qiblah] at every place [or time] of prostration, and invoke Him, sincere to Him in religion." Just as He originated you, you will return [to life] - (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Al-Araf Ayat 29 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

58. The term justice refers to condition of moderation which is in between maximum and minimum. This term includes all affairs concerning beliefs, deeds as well as affairs of personal and national nature. Thus, description of worship follows this. The word Mosque is the noun of infinitive acts denoting SAJDAH. The word Sajdah denotes Salaah while by 'Pray to Him' means to worship Him.From this we learn that facing the Kaaba in Salaah is obligatory. The word Mosque could mean Mosque in the physical sense. In that case this would mean the Mosque is the best place for congregational prayers. Congregation is obligatory for Fard prayers, while offering it in the Mosque is sometimes obligatory, at times not (TAFSEER ROOHUL BAYAAN).

59. In this word 'call upon him' does not only mean to pray but it means worship. Thus, it means worship Allah Almighty alone.

60. Like you were first non-existent, then He brought you into existence. Similarly. He will once again make you non-existent then bring you back into existence. The purpose of this is since you have to return to your Lord, you should always worship Him. It could also mean that just as you came into this world naked and uncircumsized, so will you be raised on the Day of Judgement.



The tafsir of Surah Al-A’raf verse 29 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah A’raf ayat 28 which provides the complete commentary from verse 28 through 30.

(7:29) Say to them (O Muhammad): ‘My Lord enjoins justice; and that you set your faces aright at the time of every Prayer; and that you call upon Him, exclusively dedicating your faith to Him. You shall return to Him as you were created.’[19]


(7:29) Say to them (O Muhammad): ‘My Lord enjoins justice; and that you set your faces aright at the time of every Prayer; and that you call upon Him, exclusively dedicating your faith to Him. You shall return to Him as you were created.’[19]

19. The verse seeks to suggest that God has nothing to do with their foolish rituals. So far as the religion truly prescribed by Him is concerned, its fundamental principles are the following:

( 1 ) That man should base his life on justice and righteousness.

(2) That man’s worship should have the right orientation, i.e. that it should he directed to God alone and should be free of every trace of devotion to others than God, that man should reserve his absolute enthralment and bondage for the One True God alone. All these should have only one direction – the One that is truly worthy of worship.

(3) Man should invoke God alone to keep him rightly directed, to grant him help and succour, to favour him with protection and security. This should be done provided one’s life is oriented to serving God. Invoking help from God would be ludicrous if man’s life is based on unbelief, polytheism, disobedience to God, or serving a variety of gods other than the One True God. Such a prayer would amount to asking God’s help in strengthening one in one’s rebellion against Him.

(4) That man should have full conviction that in the same way as God caused him to he born in the world, He will also restore him to life after death and will make him stand before Himself so as to render an account of his life.

(29) Say, [O Muḥammad], "My Lord has ordered justice and that you direct yourselves [to the Qiblah] at every place [or time] of prostration, and invoke Him, sincere to Him in religion." Just as He originated you, you will return [to life] -

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