Transliteration:( Fa'aqarun naaqata wa'ataw 'an amri Rabbihim wa qaaloo yaa Saalihu' tinaa bimaa ta'idunaaa in kunta minal mursaleen )
190. Although the hamstrings to the she-camel were cut off by one person, Qaidar, it was connected to everybody, because it was done through everybody's decision. From this we learn that suggestion and opinion concerning infidelity, too, is infidelity. They cut off the hamstring on Wednesday. Hazrat Saleh (On whom be peace) informed them that they would be destroyed after three days. On the first day, their faces would turn yellow, on the second day they would become red and on the third day, they will become black. The same took place as predicted. Then just before Sunday afternoon they first became victims of frightening screams which tore apart their hearts, destroying them totally. Then a terrible earthquake took place. The author of Roohul Bayaan writes that among the Thamud was a very pretty and wealthy lady called Sadook. Her daughters, too, were very pretty. Because the she-camel of Hazrat Saleh (On whom be peace) was causing problems for her animals she sent for Masda ibn Dahar and told him that if he can slaughter this she-camel, she would give the choice of marrying any daughter of her he likes. Masda and Qaidar both set out in search of the she-camel and on finding it they slaughtered it. However, Qaidar slaughtered the animal while Masda aided him in the slaughtering.
The tafsir of Surah Al-A’raf verse 77 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah A’raf ayat 73 which provides the complete commentary from verse 73 through 78.
(7:77) Then they hamstrung the she-camel,[61] disdainfuliy disobeyed the commandment of their Lord, and said: ‘0 Salih! Bring upon us the scourge with which you threatened us if you are truly a Messenger [of Allah].’
61. Although the she-camel was killed by an individual, as we learn also from surahs al-Qamar (54) and al-Sharns (91), the whole nation was held guilty since it stood at the killer’s back. Every sin which is committed with the approval and support of a nation, is a national crime even if it has been committed by one person. In fact the Qur’an goes a step further and declares that a sin which is committed publicly in the midst of a gathering is considered to be the collective sin of the people who tolerate it.
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