Quran-2:119 Surah Al-baqarah English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

إِنَّآ أَرۡسَلۡنَٰكَ بِٱلۡحَقِّ بَشِيرٗا وَنَذِيرٗاۖ وَلَا تُسۡـَٔلُ عَنۡ أَصۡحَٰبِ ٱلۡجَحِيمِ

Transliteration:( Innaaa arsalnaaka bilhaqqi basheeranw wa nazeeranw wa laa tus'alu 'an Ashaabil Jaheem )

119. Indeed, We have sent you (O Muhammad) with the truth, a bearer of glad-tidings [238] and a warner. And you will not be questioned regarding the inmates of Hell [239]. (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(119) Indeed, We have sent you, [O Muḥammad], with the truth as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, and you will not be asked about the companions of Hellfire. (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 119 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

238. The word 'bearer of glad tidings' refers as a to the Holy Prophet giver of glad tidings about Paradise and a warner about Hell. In this verse giver of news' is not connected with verification or to affirm action but with 'warner’.The Holy Prophet did not come to convey news about any Prophet but to verify their authenticity as he is the final Prophet of Allah.
239. The followers of other Prophets will be inclined to reject their propagation which will be ascertained by Allah. This verse refers to the investigations regarding the case on the Day of Judgement. "Our Messenger a witness over yourselves”. (S 2: V143) This verse could also mean that Oh my Beloved, You will not be questioned regarding the non-belief of those who would be sent into Hell.


119. Verily, We have sent you (O Muhammad ) with the truth (Islam), a bringer of glad tidings (for those who believe in what you brought, that they will enter Paradise) and a warner (for those who disbelieve in what you brought, that they will enter the Hellfire). And you will not be asked about the dwellers of the blazing Fire.

Allah’s statement;

﴿وَلاَ تُسْـَلُ عَنْ أَصْحَـبِ الْجَحِيمِ﴾

(And you will not be asked about the dwellers of the blazing Fire.) means, “We shall not ask you about the disbelief of those who rejected you.” Similarly, Allah said,

﴿فَإِنَّمَا عَلَيْكَ الْبَلَـغُ وَعَلَيْنَا الْحِسَابُ﴾

(Your duty is only to convey (the Message) and on Us is the reckoning.) (13:40)

﴿فَذَكِّرْ إِنَّمَآ أَنتَ مُذَكِّرٌ – لَّسْتَ عَلَيْهِم بِمُسَيْطِرٍ ﴾

(So remind them (O Muhammad ) ـ you are only one who reminds. You are not a dictator over them.)(88:21-22) and,

﴿نَّحْنُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ وَمَآ أَنتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِجَبَّارٍ فَذَكِّرْ بِالْقُرْءَانِ مَن يَخَافُ وَعِيدِ ﴾

(We know best what they say. And you (O Muhammad ) are not the one to force them (to belief). But warn by the Qur’an; him who fears My threat) (50:45).

There are many other similar Ayat.

The Description of the Prophet in the Tawrah

Imam Ahmad recorded `Ata’ bin Yasar saying that he met `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-`As and said to him, “Tell me about the description of the Messenger of Allah in the Torah.” He said, “Yes, by Allah, he is described by the Torah with the same characteristics that he is described with in the Qur’an with: `O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, a bringer of good news, a warner, and as safe refuge for the unlettered people. You are My servant and Messenger. I have called you the Mutawakkil (who depends and relies on Allah for each and everything). You are not harsh, nor hard, nor obnoxious in the bazaars. He does not reward the evil deed with an evil deed. Rather, he forgives and pardons. Allah will not bring his life to an end, until he straightens the wicked’s religion by his hands so that the people proclaim: There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. By his hands, Allah will open blind eyes, deaf ears and sealed hearts.”’ This was recorded by Al-Bukhari only.

(2:119) (What greater Sign can there be than that) We sent you with the Truth as a bearer of good tidings and a warner![120] And you will not be answerable about the people of the Blazing Flame!


(2:119) (What greater Sign can there be than that) We sent you with the Truth as a bearer of good tidings and a warner![120] And you will not be answerable about the people of the Blazing Flame!

120. Why speak of other signs when the most conspicuous sign of Truth is the very person of Muhammad? Let us recall his life before the commencement of his prophethood, the conditions existing in the area where, and the people among whom, he was born, the manner in which he was brought up and spent the first forty years of his life, and then his glorious achievements as a Prophet. What further signs could we want in support of his message?

(119) Indeed, We have sent you, [O Muḥammad], with the truth as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, and you will not be asked about the companions of Hellfire.

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