Transliteration:( Wa min haisu kharajta fawalli wajhaka shatral Masjidil Haraam; wa haisu maa kuntum fawalloo wujoohakum shatrahoo li'allaa yakoona linnaasi 'alaikum hujjatun illal lazeena zalamoo minhum falaa takhshawhum wakhshawnee wa liutimma ni'matee 'alaikum wa la'allakum tahtadoon )
314. In this verse "And from wherever" is expounded various possibilities.
1.Oh Beloved Nabi whenever you leave the home do so by facing the Ka'bah or wherever you may be in journey face the Ka'bah. Thus, the first 'whichever' of the earlier verse place is intended, while in this verse, "and from wheresoever" time should be kept in mind.
2.Or, while the first may refer to the streets of Madina the second word is used to refer to other places and jungles.
3.Thirdlly, in the first 'whensoever' Allah is addressing the Holy Prophet specifically, while in this verse Allah is addressing the believers in general. Looking at it in the above context the verse does notontradict in any way, it merely focuses our attention on the different possibilities.
315. Now, the idolaters of Makkah had no ground to grouse that Holy Prophetcalled himself from the clan of Hazrat Ebrahim but did not face the Ka'bah of Hazrat Ebrahim when offering Salaah.
316.In this verse Allah Almighty is making the believers aware that these ignorant people will still taunt the believers by virtue of following different directions at different times, but this cannot be given any credence or trust. No attention should be paid to such people whose only work is to taunt and discredit others. From this we learn that in matters of religionone should not worry about anyone's taunting or reproach but continue doing the good deed. He who revives one forgotten Sunnah will receive the reward of a hundred martyrs, because the martyr dies with one single blow, while this person holding firm on the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet is continuously subjected to verbal abuse.
317.The reason for the changing of the Qibla is for the completion of bestowing Divine bounties and blessings upon the believers i.e. while the previous people faced only one direction, you Oh Believers are blessed with two Qiblas (directions).
149. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram (at Makkah), that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what you do. 150. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram (at Makkah), and wheresoever you are, turn your faces towards it (when you pray) so that men may have no argument against you except those of them that are wrongdoers, so fear them not, but fear Me! ـ And so that I may complete My blessings on you and that you may be guided.
This is a third command from Allah to face Al-Masjid Al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque) from every part of the world (during prayer). It was said that Allah mentioned this ruling again here because it is connected to whatever is before and whatever is after it. Hence, Allah first said:
(Verily, We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad’s) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qiblah (prayer direction) that shall please you) (2:144), until:
(Certainly, the people who were given the Scripture (i.e., Jews and the Christians) know well that, that (your turning towards the direction of the Ka`bah at Makkah in prayers) is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.) (2:144)
Allah mentioned in these Ayat His fulfillment of the Prophet’s wish and ordered him to face the Qiblah that he liked and is pleased with. In the second command, Allah said:
(And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masid Al-Haram that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.)
Therefore, Allah states here that changing the Qiblah is also the truth from Him, thus upgrading the subject more than in the first Ayah, in which Allah agreed to what His Prophet had wished for. Thus Allah states that this is also the truth from Him that He likes and is pleased with. In the third command, Allah refutes the Jewish assertion that the Prophet faced their Qiblah, as they knew in their Books that the Prophet will later on be commanded to face the Qiblah of Ibrahim, the Ka`bah. The Arab disbelievers had no more argument concerning the Prophet’s Qiblah after Allah commanded the Prophet to face the Qiblah of Ibrahim, which is more respected and honored, rather than the Qiblah of the Jews. The Arabs used to honor the Ka`bah and liked the fact that the Messenger was commanded to face it.
Allah said:
(…so that men may have no argument against you)
Therefore, the People of the Book knew from the description of the Muslim Ummah that they would be ordered to face the Ka`bah. If the Muslims did not fit this description, the Jews would have used this fact against the Muslims. If the Muslims had remained on the Qiblah of Bayt Al-Maqdis, which was also the Qiblah of the Jews, this fact could have been used as the basis of argument by the Jews against other people.
Allah’s Statement:
(…except those of them that are wrongdoers,) indicates the Mushrikin (polytheists) of Quraysh. The reasoning of these unjust persons was the unsound statement: “This man (Muhammad) claims that he follows the religion of Ibrahim! Hence, if his facing Bayt Al-Maqdis was a part of the religion of Ibrahim, why did he change it” The answer to this question is that Allah has chosen His Prophet to face Bayt Al-Maqdis first for certain wisdom, and he obeyed Allah regarding this command. Then, Allah changed the Qiblah to the Qiblah of Ibrahim, which is the Ka`bah, and he also obeyed Allah in this command. He, obeys Allah in all cases and never engages in the defiance of Allah even for an instant, and his Ummah imitates him in this.
Allah said:
(. fear them not, but fear Me!) meaning: `Do not fear the doubts that the unjust, stubborn persons raise and fear Me Alone.’ Indeed, Allah Alone deserves to be feared.
Allah said:
(…so that I may complete My blessings on you.)
This Ayah relates to Allah’s statement:
(…so that men may have no argument against you), meaning: I will perfect My bounty on you by legislating for you to face the Ka`bah, so that the (Islamic) Shari`ah (law) is complete in every respect. Allah said:
(…that you may be guided.), meaning: `To be directed and guided to what the nations have been led astray from, We have guided you to it and preferred you with it.’ This is why this Ummah is the best and most honored nation ever.
150. The followers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were asked to follow the order to turn towards the Ka’bah, and to do so strictly, since any lapse in this matter on their part would give their opponents a weapon to use against them in their polemics. They would be able to hold Muslims up to ridicule on the grounds that they had violated what they themselves claimed to be from their Lord.
151. The ‘favour’ here refers to the position of world leadership and guidance from which God removed the children of israel and which was the conferred upon this ummah. The highest reward that can be granted to a people in recognition of its righteousness is its designation, by God’s command, to the leadership of the world in order to guide the entire human race to godliness and righteousness.
What is said here, therefore, is that the command to change the qiblah was a sign of installation of the Muslims to leadership. Hence, the Muslims should follow the directives of God if for no other reason than that ingratitude and disobedience might deprive them of the honour that had been bestowed upon them.
152. ‘…Perhaps you will be guided to the right way’ is indicative here of the regal appropriate for God’s address to His creatures. The indication from a soverign, while addressing his slave, that the latter could expect some favour from him is quite enough to make that slave rejoice and celebrate.
(2:150) From wheresoever you come forth turn your faces towards the Holy Mosque, and wheresoever you may be, turn your faces towards it in Prayer so that none may have an argument against you,[150] unless they be those immersed in wrong-doing. Do not fear them, but fear only Me so that I may complete My favour upon you;[151] perhaps you will be guided to the Right Way.[152]
150. The followers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were asked to follow the order to turn towards the Ka’bah, and to do so strictly, since any lapse in this matter on their part would give their opponents a weapon to use against them in their polemics. They would be able to hold Muslims up to ridicule on the grounds that they had violated what they themselves claimed to be from their Lord.
151. The ‘favour’ here refers to the position of world leadership and guidance from which God removed the children of israel and which was the conferred upon this ummah. The highest reward that can be granted to a people in recognition of its righteousness is its designation, by God’s command, to the leadership of the world in order to guide the entire human race to godliness and righteousness.
What is said here, therefore, is that the command to change the qiblah was a sign of installation of the Muslims to leadership. Hence, the Muslims should follow the directives of God if for no other reason than that ingratitude and disobedience might deprive them of the honour that had been bestowed upon them.
152. ‘…Perhaps you will be guided to the right way’ is indicative here of the regal appropriate for God’s address to His creatures. The indication from a soverign, while addressing his slave, that the latter could expect some favour from him is quite enough to make that slave rejoice and celebrate.
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