Transliteration:( Inna fee khalqis samaawaati wal ardi wakhtilaafil laili wannahaari walfulkil latee tajree fil bahri bimaa yanfa'unnaasa wa maaa anzalal laahu minas samaaa'i mim maaa'in fa ahyaa bihil arda ba'da mawtihaa wa bas sa feehaa min kulli daaabbatinw wa tasreefir riyaahi wassahaabil musakhkhari bainas samaaa'i wal ardi la aayaatil liqawminy ya'qiloon )
344. At the time when the infidels had asked for proof the Holy Prophet concerning Allah's oneness, this verse was revealed.
345. By this it is meant ships sail to their destination carrying the cargo, the merchants as well as their heavy merchandise, without sinking. Although heavy things should sink in water, but this is not the case here. It should be remembered, that just as iron floats with the help of wood, likewise, with the will of Allah we too will sail to our destination with the help of the Holy Prophet
346. By sending down of water we learn a scientific law: The water of the ocean turns to vapour, due to heat of the sun vapour turns to clouds then due to condensation comes down once again as water (rain). Thus, there is no contradiction in this verse. What the verse really means is that although the actual reservoir of water is the earthly oceans, its place of origin is the sky. Thus, the rain comes down from the sky only. Says Allah Almighty: "And in heaven is your provision, and that you are promised' (S51: V22).
347. Just as the earth is dependent on the water from the sky for its production so is the creation dependent on the Holy Prophet's favourable attention, as without his mediation nobody's good deeds will be accepted. Our deeds are the seeds and the approval of the is the shower of Mercy of Holy Prophet.
348. The clouds, winds etc. work in obedience to Divine instructions, always ready to benefit man, likewise you, Oh man, should always work in obedience to Allah and His Holy Prophet.
349. From this verse it becomes apparent that to study Physical Science, Mathematics, Astronomy, etc. in order to understand the Mystical knowledge of Allah is good, provided these sciences are made subservient to Religion, not controlling Religion. These should help you to establish that just as the world is inconsistent, so are the things therein. Nations and leaders will always be subject to rise and fall.
163. And your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God ـ Allah), La ilaha illa Huwa (there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
In this Ayah, Allah mentions that He is the only deity, and that He has no partners or equals. He is Allah, the One and Only, the Sustainer, and there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. He is the Most Gracious ـ Ar-Rahman, the Most Merciful ـ Ar-Rahim. We explained the meanings of these two Names in the beginning of Surat Al-Fatihah. Shahr bin Hawshab reported that Asma’ bint Yazid bin As-Sakan narrated that Allah’s Messenger said:
(Allah’s Greatest Name is contained in these two Ayat):
(And your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God ـ Allah), La ilaha illa Huwa (there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.) and:
(Alif-Lam-Mim. Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Haiyul-Qaiyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).) (3:1, 2)”
Then Allah mentions some of the proof that He is alone as the deity, that He is the One who created the heavens and the earth and all of the various creatures between them, all of which testify to His Oneness. Allah said:
(2:164) (To guide) those who use their reason (to this Truth) there are many Signs in the structure of the heavens and the earth, in the constant alternation of night and day, in the vessels which speed across the sea carrying goods that are of profit to people, in the water which Allah sends down from the sky and thereby quickens the earth after it was dead, and disperse over it all manner of animals, and in the changing courses of the winds and the clouds pressed into service between heaven and earth.[162]
162. If a man were to observe the constant operation of this universe, reflect on it in a manner befitting a rational being, and think about it without either stubbornness or bias, he would find sufficient signs to convince him that this gigantic system is absolutely subservient to the will of the Omnipotent and Wise Being, Who alone wields all power and authority. Moreover, this system seems to be such as to rule out all possibility of any interference from others whether independent of the Creator of the universe or in partnership with Him. Since this One True God is the Lord of all creation and none else is in possession of any power or authority, none is entitled to any share in His godhead or overlordship.
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