Transliteration:( Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanud khuloo fis silmi kaaaffatanw wa laa tattabi'oo khutuwaatish Shaitaan; innahoo lakum 'aduwwum mubeen )
482. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Salaam was the leader of the Yahud in whose religion eating of the flesh of the camel was forbidden. After accepting Islam he avoided eating the meat of the camel thinking that eating it was not Fard in Islam, while it was forbidden in Judaism, thus not eating it will not be regarded sinful. In response to this Allah revealed this verse to proclaim that no other religion should be priority over Islam; given that Islam should be accepted in its entirety in order to become complete believers.
483. Shaving of the beard, imitating the non-believers in their dressing, etc contributes towards the weakening of one's faith. When one accepts Islam one must become a Muslimoutwardly and inwardly. Can one drink sweet water from a dirty glass? Similarly, how one can read the QUR'AAN in the traditional garb of infidels! One must become a personification of Islam in its entirety. This can only become possible if one does not imitate actions of any other religion which is equal to following the footsteps of the devil.
484. Because the devil is an open enemy of Muslims, imitating the actions of other religions or other religious personages is falling into the trap of the devil, e.g. avoiding eating the meat of the camel for the sake of respecting the law of Judaism is a serious sin. Similarly to avoid offering Qurbani (sacrifice) of the cow in India, just to please the Hindus or stopping of Azaan or giving it softly in certain places, part of this sinful act.
The tafsir of Surah Baqarah verse 207 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Baqarah ayat 204 which provides the complete commentary from verse 204 through 207.
(2:208) Believers! Enter wholly into Islam[226] and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan for he is your open enemy.
226. God demands that man should submit, without reservation, the whole of his being to His will. Man’s outlook, intellectual pursuits, behaviour, interaction with other people and modes of endeavour should all be completely subordinate to Islam. God does not accept the splitting up of human life into separate compartments, some governed by the teachings of Islam and others exempt.
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