Transliteration:( Laqad radiyal laahu 'anil mu'mineena iz yubaayi 'oonaka tahtash shajarati fa'alima maa fee quloobihim fa anzalas sakeenata 'alaihim wa asaa bahum fat han qareebaa )
51. Because those who had participated in the Baiatur Ridwaan at Hudaibiyya had obtained heroic praise of the pleasure of Allah Therefore it is known as Bal'etur Ridwan Oath of Allegiance took place because they had sent holy Prophet Hazrat Uthman -e- Ghani Makkah Mukarramah as his envoy to the Quraish to inform them that the believers had not come with the intention of waging war but merely to perform their Umrah.
And to give glad tidings to the poor and the destitute who are forced to stay in Makkah that very soon Makkah Mukarrarnah would be conquered. Hazrat Uthman-e-Ghani was chosen for the mission because many of the infidels there owed a debt of gratitude to him and as such would not attack him. Thus, Hazrat Uthman went to the leaders of the Quraish. On hearing the proposal they told Hazrat Uthman that the Holy Prophet ? could only come the following year.
However, if Hazrat Uthman wished to make the tawaf of the Ka'bah, he could do so. To this Hazrat Uthman replied: "I will only make tawaaf of the Holy Ka'bah when I am accompanied by the Ka'abah of my heart. Thus, he did not perform the Umrah. In the meantime, a rumor spread among the believers that the infidels had martyred Hazrat Uthman. This news inflamed the believers. Seeing this high spirit among the believers the Holy Prophet ? took an oath of allegiance from them to fight to avenge Hazrat Uthman's murder. This oath was taken under an acacia tree.
The Holy Prophet raised his. blessed left hand and said: "Oh Allah this is the hand of Uthman" and raising the right hand said. "This is the hand of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah".
52. From this, emerge a few issues:
1. All the Companions involved in Baiatur Ridwaan are sincere believers, as Allah Almighty has called them believers without any condition.
2 Allah Almighty had become pleased with all of them.
3. The purpose of this special pleasure is this Baiat as is expressed by "they were swearing allegiance to you."
53. This means allegiance to War. This tells us that an oath of allegiance can be taken for good deeds, etc, and not just for matters concerning the faith.
54 in that they were neither afraid of the infidels of Makkah nor of their unfavorable end When Allah Almighty has lent a supporting hand they will never fall. Nor did they face any future indulgence in evil and sin They had become pious believers for all times and the Holy QUR AAN bears testimony to this .
55 The victory at Khaibar, which was achieved six months after the Treaty of Hudaibiyya.
18. Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave the pledge to you under the tree, He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down As-Sakinah upon them, and He rewarded them with a near victory. 19. And abundant spoils that they will capture. And Allah is Ever All-Mighty, All-Wise.
Allah declares that He is pleased with the believers who gave the pledge to the Messenger of Allah under the tree. We mentioned the number of these believers as being one thousand and four hundred and that the tree was a Samurah tree, located in the area of Hudaybiyyah. Al-Bukhari narrated from Tariq that `Abdur-Rahman said, “I went on Hajj and passed by people praying and asked, `What is this Masjid’ They said, `This is the tree where the Messenger of Allah took the pledge of Ar-Ridwan.’ So, I went to Sa`id bin Al-Musayyib and told him. Sa`id said, `My father told me that he was among those who gave their pledge to the Messenger of Allah under the tree. My father said: The following year, when we went out, we forgot its place and could not agree which tree it was.’ Sa`id said, `The Companions of Muhammad forgot where the tree was, but you know where it is. Therefore, you have better knowledge than them!”’ Allah said,
(He knew what was in their hearts,) meaning, of truthfulness, trustworthiness, obedience and adherence,
(and He sent down As-Sakinah), calmness and tranquillity,
(upon them, and He rewarded them with a near victory.) in reference to the goodness that Allah the Exalted and Most Honored caused to happened to the Companions on account of the peace treaty between them and their disbelieving enemies. Ever after that, the Companions gained abundant, general and continuous benefits and accomplishments, leading to the conquest of Khaybar and Makkah and then the various surrounding provinces and areas. They earned tremendous glory, triumphs and an elevated and honorable status in this life and in the Hereafter, just as Allah the Exalted said,
(And abundant spoils that they will capture. And Allah is Ever All-Mighty, All-Wise.)
(48:18) Allah was much pleased with the believers when they swore fealty to you under the tree.[32] He knew what was in their hearts. So He bestowed inner peace upon them[33] and rewarded them with a victory near at hand
32. Here again the pledge taken from the companions at Hudaibiyah has been mentioned. This is called Baiat Ridwan. For, Allah in this verse has given the good news that he became well pleased with those who on this dangerous occasion did not show the least hesitation in offering their lives for the cause of Islam and gave an express proof of their being true in their faith by taking the pledge on the hand of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Muslims at this time were equipped only with a sword each, numbered only 1,400, were unprepared for warfare, but were donning the pilgrim garments, were away from their military headquarters (Al-Madinah), while the enemy’s stronghold (Makkah) where from it could get any kind of help was just 13 miles off. Had these people been lacking in their sincerity of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) and His religion in any degree, they would have abandoned the Messenger (peace be upon him) on this extremely dangerous occasion, and Islam would have been vanquished forever. Apart from their own sincerity there was no external pressure under which they might have been compelled to take the pledge. Their becoming ready at that time to fight in the cause of Allah’s religion regardless of the dangers, is a clear proof that they were true and sincere in their faith and loyal to the cause of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) in the highest degree. That is why Allah honored them with this certificate of His good pleasure. Now if someone becomes angry with them after they have been honored with this certificate of Allah’s good pleasure, or slanders and vilifies them, his enmity is with Allah, not with them. Those who say that at that time when Allah honored them with this certificate of His good pleasure, they were sincere, but afterwards they became disloyal to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), perhaps harbor a mistrust about Allah that while sending down this verse He was unaware of their future; therefore, He awarded them this warrant only in view of their state at that time, and probably due to the same unawareness inscribed this verse in His Holy Book as well so that afterwards also, when those people have turned disloyal, the world should continue reading this verse about them and praising the knowledge of the unseen of that Allah Who, God forbid, had granted
[1514]- That of Khaybar, which preceded the conquest of Makkah.
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