Transliteration:( Innaa Nahnu nazalnaz Zikra wa Innaa lahoo lahaa fizoon )
12. From this emerge a few issues:Â
1. In Arabia the plural form is used for the singular as a mark of respect.
2. The works of the pious devotees are declared as works of Allah Almighty (i.c. the works of the pious have been declared as works of Allah Almighty). The revelation of the Holy QUR'AAN is the function of the angels but Allah Almighty says "We have sent down".Â
3. The Divine Tablet is on top, not at the bottom because the descent is referred to what comes down from on top. The revered Sufis say that it is Allah Almighty who reveals the Holy QUR'AAN in the heart of a believer, and it is He who keeps it protected so that he dies with faith.Â
13. Thus Allah Almighty has safeguarded the words of the Holy QUR'AAN, its meanings, its injunction, etc. But words are protected in such a manner that their alteration is impossible, while meanings and injunctions are protected in such a way that although some people try to distort them, the original injunctions remain unaltered, they will always remain exactly the same.
Therefore, Allah Almighty had enabled the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet صلى  الله عليه و آلهto remain for all times until the Day of Judgement and maintained the continued existence of Ulama and sages for this purpose.
 From this, we learn that the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet is the means of safeguarding the intrinsic meaning of the Holy QUR'AAN.
The tafsir of Surah Hijr verse 9 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Hijr ayat 6 which provides the complete commentary from verse 6 through 9.
(15:9) As for the Admonition, indeed it is We Who have revealed it and it is indeed We Who are its guardians.[6]
6. That is, you should note it well that it is We Who have sent down this zikr. Thus it is not Our Messenger whom you are calling insane but in fact this abusive remark applies to Us. Moreover, you should know that it is Our Word and We are preserving it. Therefore, you can do no harm to it, nor can you discredit it by your ridicules, taunts and objections, nor can you hamper its progress. Whatever you may do against it, no one will ever be able to change or tamper with it.
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