Transliteration:( Allazee jama'a maalanw wa 'addadah )
3.To accumulate wealth, and keep it Counted is under some conditions an evil act: To accumulate through unlawful means. Neither the dua of the consumer of unlawful things is accepted nor is there any pleasure in his worship.
1.He cannot fulfil religious duties through such accumulated wealth.
He will become so engrossed in the accumulation of such wealth that he will forget Allah Almighty.
That he will regard this wealth as the mover of calamities without placing trust in Allah Almighty.
Save the rain water according to the needs, let the rest flow. Likewise use the wealth to fulfill your needs. Give some in charity, which will be entered in your account of the Hereafter before you go there. The Sufi sages say that the earning of wealth by the infidel is a criminal act and his accumulation of it, too, is criminal. For the believer both these are acts of worship. The wedding food is for those who are connected with the groom. The presence of the strangers i.e. uninvited guests there is a criminal act as well as eating there.
The tafsir of Surah Humazah verse 2 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Humazah ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 9.
(104:2) who amasses wealth and counts it over and again.[2]
2. This second sentence after the first sentence by itself gives the meaning that he slanders others because of his pride of wealth. The words jama a malan for collecting money suggest the abundance of wealth; then the words counting it over and over again depict the person’s miserliness and his selfish hoarding of wealth.
[1987]- Rather than spending in the way of Allāh.
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