Transliteration:( Laisa laka minal amrishai'un aw yatooba 'alaihim aw yu'az zi bahum fa innahum zaalimoon )
276. Reason for its Revelation: The Holy had Prophet cursed the Kuffar of the well of Maoona who had treacherously taken the Companions and had them martyred. It is regarding this incident that the verse was revealed to stop the Holy Prophet from cursing the disbelievers. If this was the case then the previous Prophets would not have cursed the disbelievers to destroy them. The Holy Prophet would curse the disbelievers after the ruku of the second raka'at of Morning Prayer which is known as QUNOOTE NAAZILAH. In terms of this verse QUNOOTE NAAZILAH is annulled.
277. This verse does not mean that Oh My Beloved you have no power to curse the disbelievers to destroy them. What it really means is, that cursing is against the Holy high status as he Prophet's is sent as the mercy unto mankind.
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 128 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 126 which provides the complete commentary from verse 126 through 129.
(3:128) (O Messenger!) It is not for you to decide whether He will accept their repentance or chastise them, for they surely are wrongdoers.
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
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