Transliteration:( Innal lazeena tawallaw minkum yawmal taqal jam'aani innamas tazallahumush Shaitaanu biba'di maa kasaboo wa laqad 'afal laahu 'anhum; innnal laaha Ghafoorun Haleem )
344. In the Battle of Uhud, only fourteen Companions, which included Hazrat Abu Bakr
Siddiq. Hazrat Umar Farooq. Hazrat Ali Murtaza, (May Allah be pleased with them) Stood firm with the Prophet while the rest of the Companions fled from the battlefield KHAZAINUL IRFAAN)
345. In this verse there is a hint about the Battle of Uhud. The Holy Prophet had placed 50 Companions to the Uhud Pass under the leadership of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Jabeer (On whom be peace) with the firm instruction to remain there at all times until they were asked to leave their post. The very first attack of the Muslim repulsed the non-believers who fled from the battlefield. On seeing this the archers at the Pass left their position to gather the spoils of war despite Hazrat Abdullah's (On whom be peace) pleas of not to leave the pass. These people were under the impression that since Muslims have gained Victory it was useless remaining at their post any longer. When the fleeing Kuffaar saw the Pass unprotected. They rearranged themselves and attacked the Muslims from behind which completely changed the picture of the battle, the above verse relates to this incident.
346. From this, emerge two issues:
1. The fleeing of the Companions from the battlefield is not an act of sin as Allah Almighty has referred to it as an error on their part which had taken place unintentionally as was the case with Hazrat Adam (On whom be peace) regarding whom Allah Almighty had said: "And the devil had made them slip." Similar words are used here.
2. The devil cannot mislead the chosen servants of Allah Almighty. Says Allah Almighty: "No
doubt, those who are my bondsmen, you have no control over them" (S17:V65). However they too can be deceived. He can make them to err, as was the case with Hazrat Adam (On whom be peace). Hence, this verse is not in opposition to the above quoted verse.
347. By "their certain actions" means the archers left the Uhud Pass due to misunderstanding. From this incident we learn that sometimes a minor error can cause a major problem.
348. Allah Almighty be praised! What a beautiful declaration. May our obedience be sacrificed on the errors of these pious people? May Allah Almighty forgive our sins for the sake of these pious people (Ahmed Yaar). This means Allah Almighty has forgiven their error. After this declaration if any person tries to bring these Companions into disrepute, he is undoubtedly bereft of Faith.
 349. It should be remembered that the error of the archers was to leave the Pass, while the error of those who fled from the battlefield was not remaining steadfast. The first error is mentioned in "because of their certain actions" (S3 V155) and the second error is mentioned in "those of you who turned back" and in "And surely Allah Almighty forgave them" (S3: V155). Thus forgiveness of both errors is mentioned in the verse. May Allah Almighty forgive a sinner like myself, too, through the grace of these pious people? From this we learn that sometimes the error of one can have a direct influence on others, e.g. the error of the archers became the cause of the fleeing of the others.
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 155 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 154 which provides the complete commentary from verse 154 through 155.
(3:155) Surely those of them who turned their backs on the day when the two armies met (at Uhud) did so because Satan made them slip because of some of their lapses. But Allah has pardoned them; He is All-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
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