Transliteration:( Wa maa kaana li Nabiyyin ai yaghull; wa mai yaghlul ya'tibimaa ghalla Yawmal Qiyaamah; summa tuwaffaa kullu nafsim maa kasabat wa hum laa yuzlamoon )
364. "Hides away" refers to that breach of trust in respect of embezzling war booty.
Reason for its Revelation:During one battle a sheet was lost from the war booty upon which the hypocrites were insinuating that the Holy Prophet may have kept it for himself. To refute this insinuation, this verse was revealed.Â
From this, emerge four issues:
1. before distribution of the war booty, breach of trust is a criminal act.
2. All prophets are free of sin - the relation between sin and prophethood is like that between light and darkness.
3. Suspicion and distrust in respect of Prophets is the work of hypocrites, and is an act of apostasy.
4. Prophets are such beloveds of Allah Almighty that He Himself clears them of people's accusations and suspicions to prove their innocence.
365. Prophets are there to serve those who are entangled in sinful and evil activities. If they entangle themselves, who will free them, hence breach of trust is impossible from a Prophet.
366. By 'injustice' is meant Allah Almighty will neither decrease the reward of their good deeds nor increase the punishment of their evil deeds. Nor will anyone be punished without committing a crime.
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 161 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 159 which provides the complete commentary from verse 159 through 164.
(3:161) It is not for a Prophet to defraud;[114] and whoever defrauds shall bring with him the fruits of his fraud on the Day of Resurrection, when every human being shall be paid in full what he has earned, and shall not be wronged.
114. When the archers, whom the Prophet had posted to defend the army against any attack from the rear, saw that the spoils of the enemy were being collected, they feared that the spoils might fall in their entirety to the lot of the soldiers who were then collecting them, and that they might, therefore, be deprived of their share. It was this idea which had impelled them to leave their posts. When the Prophet returned to Madina after the battle he asked them to explain the cause of their disobedience. When he had heard their unconvincing stories he told them: ‘You thought that we would act dishonestly and would not deliver you your share.’ (See Alusi. Ruh al-Ma’ani, commentary on this verse – Ed.) The verse alludes to this here. The purpose is to impress upon them that the Messenger of God himself was the commander of their army and that all their affairs were in his hands alone. What made them feel that their interests were not secure even in the hands of God’s Messenger? Did they think that a division of spoils under the direct supervision of the Prophet Would be made in any manner other than that dictated by absolute honesty, trustworthiness and justice?
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