Transliteration:( Allazeenas tajaaboo lil laahi war Rasooli mim ba'di maaa asaabahumulqarh; lillazeena ahsanoo minhum wattaqaw ajrun 'azeem )
390. After the Battle of Uhud, it was learned that Abu Sufyaan was coming to attack Madina. The Holy Prophet ? immediately made a proclamation to set out to oppose him. Wounded Companions, too, joined in, in their present conditions. After reaching Hamraal Asad, eight miles out of Madina it became known that Abu Sufyaan, out of fear turned back to Makkah. This verse was revealed in praise of these Noble Companions who had set out with the Holy Prophet ? to learn that the is indeed a Call of the Prophet a call coming from Allah Almighty. Because the call was of the Holy Prophet but Allah Almighty says "responded to the call of Allah Almighty and the Messenger." (S3: V171)
391. In this verse the preposition "From" is used for general and not for few, because all those Companions are pious and virtuous. However, the verse clarifies that the attainment of their rewards was due to their piety.
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 172 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 169 which provides the complete commentary from verse 169 through 175.
(3:172) There were those who responded to the call of Allah and the Messenger[122] after injury had smitten them[123] – for all those who do good and fear Allah there is a mighty reward.
122. When, after the Battle of Uhud, the Makkan polytheists had travelled several stages of their journey, they began to tell themselves what a mistake they had made in allowing the opportunity to crush the power of Muhammad to slip out of their hands. At one place they halted and deliberated among themselves about launching a second attack on Madina. They failed, however, to muster sufficient courage and carried on to Makka. The Prophet, for his part, also realized that they might attack once again. On the second day of Uhud, therefore, he gathered the Muslims and urged them to pursue the unbelievers. Even though this was a highly critical moment, the true men of faith girded their loins and were prepared to lay down their lives at the behest of the Prophet. They accompanied him to Hamra’ al-Asad, eight miles from Madina. The present verse refers to these dedicated men.
123. These few verses were revealed almost one year after the Battle of Uhud. As they are connected with the events of the battle they were included in the present discourse.
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