Transliteration:( Faman haaajjaka feehi mim ba'di maa jaaa'aka minal 'ilmi faqul ta'aalaw nad'u abnaaa'anaa wa abnaaa'akum wa nisaaa'anaa wa nisaaa'akum wa anfusanaa wa anfusakum summa nabtahil fanaj'al la'natal laahi 'alal kaazibeen )
131. It is permissible to refer to one's grandson as your son or the daughter as your lady because the Holy Prophet on the occasion of the MUBAHALA (mutual imprecation to prove the truth of one's point) took his grandsons Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain, his daughter Bibi Fatima and Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with them) against the disputing non-believers. Hazrat Ali (On whom be peace) too was included by the Holy Prophet among the sons as he was his young brother (cousin). In terms of the rules, on occasions like these one only swears on one's children and not on one's companions or wives. Thus, this verse shows us the height of greatness of the Ahle-Bait. Ibn Asaakir on the authority of Hazrat Jaffer Saadique bin Muhammad Baaqir has quoted that on this occasion the Holy Prophet In addition to these blessed four persons, had also taken the first three Khalifas ie Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, and Hazrat Uthman (May Allah be pleased with them) and their children.. (Ruhul Mu'ani)
132. Calling upon one's life is meant to make oneself available. Allah Almighty says: "Then his souls induced him to kill his brother."
133. From this discussion, two issues emerge:
1. MUBAHALA is greater in significance than debate, as MUBAHALA includes laying a curse upon the non-believers.
2. MUBAHALA should be held in respect of definite religious issues, not in respect of Uncertain issues.
134. From this we learn that a more learned person (Alim) can enter into Mubahala and debate with a lesser learned person when the latter is trying to spread mischief in the world Although the Holy Prophet is the greatest learned person of all time ie. the former and latter periods, yet in defense of truth, he entered into not only debate but in Mubahala with the Jewish priests of Najraan In another place Allah says: "Say you bring your proof if you are truthful" (S2:V111). In this verse, the word 'liars' refers to those having false beliefs i.e non-believers. It should be remembered that it is permissible to curse a liar. One should not curse a deceased non-believer until it is proven he had died an apostate. A sinner cannot be cursed by name, one can curse his deed only, e.g. one can say curse be on the departed thief, but one can not say that curse be upon that person who is a liar By curse is meant to be away from the Mercy of Allah.
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 61 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 59 which provides the complete commentary from verse 59 through 63.
(3:61) Tell whoever disputes with you on this matter after true knowledge has come to you: ‘Come! Let us summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, and then let us pray together and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.’[55]
55. The real aim in suggesting this procedure for deciding the dispute was to prove that the attitude of those amongst the delegation of Najran was one of deliberate stubbornness and intransigence. They had no sound arguments to contradict any of the points mentioned above, and they could not find any shred of evidence in their own scriptures upon which they could claim, with firm conviction, that their beliefs were true. Moreover, all that the members of the deputation had come to know of the character, teachings and achievements of the Prophet had made them more or less convinced of his prophethood, and at least caused their disbelief to waver. When they were told that if they had full confidence in the truth of their beliefs they should come forward and pray to God that His curse should fall on the deniers of the truth, none of them came forward. It thus became clear all over Arabia that the priests and leaders of Christianity in Najran, whose holiness was celebrated far and wide, followed beliefs, the truth of which, they themselves were not fully confident in.
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