Transliteration:( 'Aaliyahum siyaabu sundusin khudrunw wa istabraq, wa hullooo asaawira min fiddatinw wa saqaahum Rabbuhum sharaaban tahooraa )
30. SUNDOOS denotes fine silk while ISTABRAK denotes thick silk or brocade i.e. some dresses will be made of fine silk and others of brocade, or sometimes of fine silk and on others of brocade. It should be remembered that the heavenly dresses would not be to protect from the cold or heat because there will be no cold or heat.
They will be for the purpose of covering and adornment and elegance.
31. This means that in the hands of every inmate of Paradise will be three bangles, one of gold, one of silver and the third of pearls. These bangles would be very beautiful and elegant. Thus, there is no inconsistency in the
verses. It should be remembered that wars continue to take place in the world.
Thus, here it is totally forbidden for men to wear jewellery made from gold and silver so that their lives become disciplined like the soldiers. There is no war in Paradise; therefore men will be allowed to wear jewellery there.
32. Ecstatic love for Allah Almighty in the world, too, is the pure drink of the heart as well as the vision of the pious, the water from their feet, etc. is pure drink because through these one obtains cure for one's physical and spiritual ills. In the Hereafter there will be a fountain of pure drink, which will be free of smell and intoxication.
The tafsir of Surah Al-Insan verse 21 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Insan ayat 13 which provides the complete commentary from verse 13 through 22.
(76:21) They [i.e., the virtuous] shall be attired in garments of fine green silk and rich brocade[23] and will be adorned with bracelets of silver.[24] Their Lord will give them a pure wine to drink.[25]
23. The same theme has been expressed in (Surah Al-Kahf, Ayat 31), thus: “They (the dwellers of Paradise) will wearcolored robes of silk and rich brocade and will be recliningupon raised thrones.” On this basis, the opinion of thecommentators who have expressed the view that thisimplies the sheets of cloth which will be hanging over theirthrones or bedsteads or that this would be the dress of theboys who would be moving about serving them does notseem to be correct.
24. In (Surah Al-Kahf, Ayat 31), it has been said: “They willbe adorned with bracelets of gold.” This same theme hasalso occurred in (Surah Al-Hajj, Ayat 23) and (Surah Fatir, Ayat 33) above. When all these verses are read together, three possibilities become obvious.
(1) That sometimes they would like to wear bracelets of gold and sometimes bracelets of silver, both kinds of the ornaments being available for use as and when required;
(2) that they will wear bracelets of both gold and silver at the same time, for the combination of the two enhances the personal charmsof the wearer;
(3) that whosoever desires will wear bracelets of gold and whosoever desires will wear bracelets of silver.
As for the question, why will the men be adorned with the ornaments when these are usually worn by the women? The answer is that in the ancient times the customwas that the kings and their nobles used to adorn their hands and necks and the crowns of their heads with different kinds of ornaments. In (Surah Az-Zukhruf, Ayat 53), it has been said that when the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) arrived in the Pharaoh’s court in his simple dress, with only a staff in hand, and told him that he was a Messenger sent by Allah, Lord of the worlds, the Pharaoh said to his courtiers: “What kind of a messenger is he, who has appeared before me in this state? If he was sent by theKing of the universe, why were not bracelets of gold sentdown on him, or a company of angels as attendants?”
25. Two kinds of the wine have been mentioned above, first that to which water will be added from the fountain of camphor; second that to which water will be added from the fountain of ginger, After these, making mention of another wine, with the remark that their Lord shall give them a pure wine to drink, gives the meaning that this will be some superior kind of wine, which they will be given todrink as a special favor from Allah.
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