Transliteration:( Afa amintum any yakhsifa bikum jaanibal barri aw yursila 'alaikum haasiban summa laa tajidoo lakum wakeelaa )
149. Like Allah Almighty had Qaroon submerged in the earth. What it means is just as Allah Almighty had power of drowing you in the sea, He has the power to submerge you in the ground, land and sea, both are in His control. Everywhere and at all times you are under His control and totally dependent on mercy. How foolish it is then to indulge in infidelity on land. Although this verse is addressed to the infidels, negligent people like us, too, need to take a lesson from it. Allah Almighty knows how to give and take back.
150. Like He had sent them on the people of Hazrat Lut (On whom be peace). From these verses one cannot seek proof for possibility of a lie because after the advent of the Holy Prophet promise of withholding of the general punishment. Says Allah Almighty: "And Allah is not one to chastise them, till you are in their midst" (S8:V33). At certain specific times specific punishments can come, in fact, it will come. Thus there is no inconsistency in the verses.
68. Do you then feel secure that He will not cause a side of the land to swallow you up, or that He will not send against you a Hasib Then, you shall find no guardian.
Allah says, do you think that by emerging onto dry land you will be safe from His vengeance and punishment, that a side of the land will not swallow you up or He will not send against you a Hasib – which is a kind of rain that carries stones This was the view of Mujahid and others. As Allah says:
(Verily, We sent against them, except the family of Lut, them We saved in the last hour of the night, As a favor from Us.) (54:34-35) Elsewhere, Allah says:
(and We rained on them stones of Sijjil, in a well-arranged manner one after another)
(Do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven (Allah), will not cause the earth to sink with you, and then it should quake Or do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven (Allah), will not send against you a Hasib Then you shall know how (terrible) has been My warning) (67: 16-17)
(Then, you shall find no guardian.) no helper to turn the punishment away from you and save you.
(17:68) Do you, then, feel secure against His causing you to be swallowed up by a tract of the earth, or letting loose a deadly whirlwind charged with stones towards you, and there you will find none to protect you?
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
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