Transliteration:( Yawma nad'oo kulla unaasim bi imaamihim faman ootiya kitaabahoo bi yameenihee fa ulaaa'ika yaqra'oona kitaabahum wa laa yuzlamoona fateelaa )
157. From this we learn that we should make a pious person our leader in the world, through Taqleed in Shariah and through Bai'at (taking Mureedi) in the path of Tareeqat (mystic way of life) so that our end will be with the pious. If he does not find a pious leader or guide then his guide would be Shaitaan. In this verse there is ample proof for Taqleed, Bait, Mureedi.
158. From this emerge two issues:Â
1. No one on the Day of Judgement will be illiterate, everyone will be able to read, even though some were ignorant in the world.Â
2. Everybody's language on that day would be Arabic, because the deeds are recorded in Arabic. However, it will not be necessary for anyone for its translation. In fact, the questions in the grave would also be in Arabic
71. (And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their (respective) Imam (i.e. the Book of deeds). So whosoever is given his record in his right hand, such will read their records, and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least. 72. And whoever is blind in this ﴿world﴾ then he will be blind in the Hereafter, and most astray from the path.
Allah tells us that on the Day of Resurrection, he will call each people to account by its Imam. The scholars differed as to the meaning of this (i.e. Imam. Mujahid and Qatadah said that it meant each nation would be called to account by its Prophet. Some of the Salaf said this is the greatest honor for the people of Hadith, because their leader is the Prophet . Ibn Zayd said it means they would be called to account by their Book which was revealed to their Prophet with its laws. This was also the view favored by Ibn Jarir. Ibn Abi Najih narrated that Mujahid said, “With their Books.” It may be that what is meant here is what Al-`Awfi narrated from Ibn `Abbas concerning this Ayah,
((And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their (respective) Imam), which is that it refers to the Book (or record) of their deeds. This was also the view of Abu Al-`Aliyah, Al-Hasan and Ad-Dahhak. This view is the most correct, because Allah says:
(and all things We have recorded with numbers (as a record) in a Clear Book ﴿Fi Imamin Mubin﴾) ﴿36:12﴾
(And the Book (one’s record) will be placed, and you will see the criminals, fearful of that which is (recorded) therein) ﴿18:49﴾
(And you will see each nation humbled to their knees, each nation will be called to its record (of deeds). This Day you shall be recompensed for what you used to do. This Our record speaks about you with truth. Verily, We were recording what you used to do.) (45:28-29) This does not contradict the fact that the Prophet will be brought forward when Allah judges between his Ummah, for he will inevitably be a witness against his Ummah over their deeds. But what is meant here by Imam is the Book of deeds. Allah says:
((And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their (respective) Imam. So whosoever is given his record in his right hand, such will read their records,) means, because of their happiness and joy at what is recorded therein of good deeds – they will read it and want to read it. As Allah says:
(Then as for him who will be given his record in his right hand will say: “Here! read my record!) until His saying,
(But as for him who will be given his record in his left hand,) ﴿69:19-29﴾
(and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least ﴿Fatilan﴾.) We have already mentioned that the Fatil is the long thread in the groove of a date-pit. Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar recorded a Hadith from Abu Hurayrah according to which the Prophet said, concerning the Ayah,
((And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their (respective) Imam.)
(One of you will be called and will be given his Book in his right hand. He will be in a good physical state, with a white face, and there will be placed on his head a crown of shining pearls. He will go to his companions and they will see him from afar, and will say, “O Allah, let him come to us and bless us with this.” Then he will come to them and will say to them, “Rejoice, for every man among you will be like this.” As for the disbeliever, his face will be black and his body will be enlarged. His companions will see him from afar and will say, “We seek refuge in Allah from this, or from the evil of this, O Allah, do not let him come to us.” “Then he will come to them and they will say, O Allah, humiliate him!” He will say, “May Allah cast you away, every man among you will be like this.”) Then Al-Bazzar said: “This was only reported through this chain.”
(And whoever is blind in this) Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and Ibn Zayd said: this means in this worldly life.
(blind) means, blind to the signs and proofs of Allah.
(then he will be blind in the Hereafter,) as he was blind in this world.
(and most astray from the path.) most astray as he was in this world. We seek refuge with Allah from that.
(17:71) Then think of the Day We shall summon every community with its leader. Those who are given their Record in their right hand shall read the Record of their deeds[86] and shall not be wronged a whit.
86. We learn from the Quran that on the Day of Resurrection, the righteous people will be given their records in their right hands and they will be overjoyed to have a look at it and will show it to others. As regards to the wicked people, they will get their records in their left hands and in their shame will try to hide it behind their backs. Please refer to (Surah Al-Haqqah, Ayat 19-28), (Surah Al-Inshiqaq, Ayat 7-13).
[764]- Other meanings are "with their leader" or "with that which they had followed."
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