Transliteration:( Illaa rahmatam mir Rabbik; inna fadlahoo kaana 'alaika kabeeraa )
185. Allah Almighty through His blessings and kindness has taken upon Himself to preserve and protect the Holy QUR'AAN until Qiyamat. Just before Qiyamat takes place it would be erased from its pages and the hearts of Huffaaz. From this we learn that the knowledge of the Holy QUR AAN and its memorisation is achieved through the great bounty of Allah Almighty.
186. In that Allah Almighty has made you the leader of all His Prophets, revealed the Holy QUR'AAN upon you. bestowed upon you the honour of being the chief intercessor, continued the process of creating Ulama (scholars) and saints in your religion until the Day of Judgement. Who is there who can understand your greatness in the true sense of the word!
The tafsir of Surah Al-Isra verse 87 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Isra ayat 86 which provides the complete commentary from verse 86 through 89.
(17:87) (Whatever you have received) is nothing but grace from your Lord. Indeed His favour to you is great.[104]
104. Though these words are apparently addressed by the Prophet (peace be upon him), they are in fact meant for the disbelievers who considered the Quran to be either the invention of the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself or of some other man, who secretly taught him the Quran. They are being told that this is the Word of Allah, as if to say: Our Prophet has not fabricated the Quran but We have bestowed this on him, and if We take it back from him, the Prophet has no power to invent such a thing nor has any other man the power to help the Prophet to present such a miraculous Book.
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