Quran-108:2 Surah Al-kawthar English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنۡحَرۡ

Transliteration:( Fasalli li rabbika wanhar )

2. So offer Salaah to your Lord and offer sacrifice [2]. (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(2) So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice [to Him alone]. (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Al-Kawthar Ayat 2 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

Explanation of the Surah's Message

The verse emphasizes the importance of gratitude and worship in response to the divine blessings granted by Allah. It suggests two main forms of worship to show appreciation:

  1. Regular Performance of the Five Daily Prayers
    Being consistent with the five daily prayers is considered the greatest form of gratitude to Allah Almighty for His bounties. This is a fundamental act of worship that strengthens a believer's connection to Allah.

  2. Offering Nawafil (Voluntary Acts of Worship)
    In addition to the obligatory prayers, performing voluntary acts of worship, such as Nawafil, serves as an extra means of showing gratitude to Allah. These acts are not mandatory but are highly rewarded.

  3. Offering the Eid-ul-Adha Prayer and Sacrifice
    The Surah also refers to the importance of the Eid-ul-Adha prayer followed by the sacrifice (Qurbani) as a form of gratitude. The act of sacrifice is a symbolic expression of devotion and submission to Allah.

Key Points Derived from the Verse:

  1. Regular Performance of Salaah as Gratitude
    The regular performance of the five daily prayers is a primary way to express gratitude to Allah for His countless blessings. It signifies a continual recognition of Allah's mercy.

  2. Sacrifice as a Significant Islamic Custom
    Sacrifice is a central Islamic tradition, especially during Eid-ul-Adha. It cannot be replaced by paying a monetary price in lieu of the physical act. Sacrificial animals must be slaughtered to fulfill the religious obligation.

  3. Sacrifice is Not Exclusive to Makkah Pilgrims
    Sacrifice is not limited to those in Makkah, as some may mistakenly believe. The injunction to sacrifice was given to the Holy Prophet ﷺ in Madinah, and it applies universally to all Muslims, regardless of location.

  4. The Surah is Madinite
    This Surah was revealed in Madinah because the obligation of sacrifice became mandatory after the Hijrah (migration). Some scholars, who interpret "NAHR" (sacrifice) as a general term for slaughtering, believe it refers to the infidels' idol-worship practices. However, the prevailing interpretation holds that this injunction is specific to believers and directs them to offer sacrifice solely in the Name of Allah. This view has more weight.


The tafsir of Surah Kawthar verse 2 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Kawthar ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 3.


(108:2) So offer Prayer and sacrifice[2] to your Lord alone.

2. Different commentaries of it have been reported from different scholars. Some of them take the Prayer to mean the five times obligatory Prayer (salat); some take it to imply the Prayer of Id al-Adha, and some say that it implies the Prayer itself. Likewise, the meaning of wanhar and sacrifice according to some illustrious scholars, is to place the right hand over the left hand and to fold them on the chest in the Prayer; some say that it implies raising both hands with Allahu Akbar at the commencement of the Prayer; some say that it implies raising both hands at the commencement of the Prayer, at bowing for Ruku and after rising from Ruku; and some say that it means performing the Id al-Adha Prayer and then offering the animal sacrifice. But if the context in which this command has been enjoined, is considered, its meaning clearly seems to be: O Prophet, when your Lord has granted you so many and so splendid blessings, then you should perform the Prayer only for His sake and offer sacrifice only for His sake. This command was given in the environment when not only the pagans of Quraish but the pagans of entire Arabia and the world worshipped their self-made gods and offered sacrifices at their shrines. Therefore, the intention of the command is: Contrary to the polytheistic practice, you should remain steadfast to your creed: your Prayer is only for Allah and your sacrifice is also for Him alone, as it has been said at another place: Declare, O Prophet, my salat and my sacrifice and my life and my death are all for Allah, Lord of the universe, Who has no partner with Him. This is what I have been enjoined, and I am the first to surrender to Him. (Surah Al-Anaam, Ayats 162-163). This same meaning has been explained of it by Ibn Abbas. Ata, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Hasan Basri, Qatadah, Muhammad bin Kaab al-Qurzi, Dahhak, Rabi bin Anas, Ata al-Khurasani and many other major commentators. (Ibn Jarir). However, this by itself is correct that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) enforced by Allah’s command the practice of the Id al-Adha Prayer and the offering of animal sacrifice at Al-Madinah, he himself gave the first place to the Prayer (salat and the second to the sacrifice, as commanded in the verses: Inna salati wa nusuki and fa-salli li-Rabbika wanhar, and also enjoined on the Muslims to do the same, i.e. they should first perform the Prayer and then offer the sacrifice. This is neither the explanation of this verse nor the occasion of its revelation but a deduction made by the Prophet (peace be upon him) from these verses and his deduction of injunctions is also a kind of divine inspiration.

(2) So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice [to Him alone].

Surah Al-Kawthar All Ayat (Verses)


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