Quran-92:7 Surah Al-layl English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُۥ لِلۡيُسۡرَىٰ

Transliteration:( Fasanu yassiruhoo lilyusraa )

7. We shall provide him with ease [5]. (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(7) We will ease him toward ease. (Saheen International Translation)

Related Ayat(Verses)/Topics

Surah Al-Layl Ayat 7 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

We Shall Provide Him With Ease

7. "We shall provide him with ease."

This verse highlights the blessings and ease that Allah Almighty bestows upon those who strive in His path with sincerity and devotion.

Key Interpretations:

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique’s Devotion:
    • Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (May Allah be pleased with him), who spent his pure wealth for the emancipation of slaves and became a paragon of piety from the very beginning of his life, is promised ease by Allah Almighty.
    • His unwavering belief in and acceptance of every word and action of the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ by his deeds, words, and heart made him deserving of ease in:
      • The world
      • At the time of death
      • In the grave
      • On the Day of Judgement
    • Through his mediation, the hardships of Islam and the believers were alleviated after the demise of the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ.

  1. Ease for the Righteous:
    • This verse is not limited to Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique alone. It encompasses anyone who:

      • Gives wealth or deeds selflessly to rightful recipients.
      • Avoids showing off, taunting, or causing harm to others.
      • Believes in all articles of faith with sincerity.
    • Such individuals are promised ease in every stage of existence, including the world, death, the grave, and the Hereafter.

  1. Charity Beyond Wealth:
    • The term "gave" in the verse is left open-ended, emphasizing that charity is not restricted to wealth alone.
    • Charity can be of deeds, kindness, and efforts, making this verse applicable to both the wealthy and the poor.

Comprehensive Nature of the Verse:

This verse encapsulates the universal principle that sincere devotion and generosity—whether of wealth or deeds—pave the way for divine ease in this life and the Hereafter. It serves as a reminder that Allah’s mercy and rewards are boundless for those who act selflessly and with unwavering faith.


The tafsir of Surah Al-Lail verse 7 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Al-Lail ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 11.


(92:7) We shall facilitate for him the Way to Bliss.[3]

3. This is the result of the first kind of endeavoring and struggling. The easy way implies the way which is in accordance with human nature, which is in accordance with the will of the Creator, Who has created man and the whole universe. It is a way in which man has not to fight his conscience, in which he does not have to force his faculties of mind and energies of body into doing works for which they are not given but to do things for which they have actually been given him. It is a way in which man has not to experience war, resistance and conflict on every side, which he has to experience in a life full of sin, but a human society in which at every step he experiences peace and concord, appreciation and honor. Obviously, the person who spends his wealth for public welfare, treats every other person kindly and well, whose life is free from crime, sin and immorality, who is righteous and fair in his dealings, who neither cheats others nor proves false in his promises, from whom no one apprehends dishonesty, injustice and excess, and with whose character no one finds any fault, will in any case be honored and respected in any society, however, corrupt and depraved it may be. Hearts will be attracted towards him in esteem and regard; his own heart and conscience will be satisfied, and he will attain to dignity in society which no immoral person can ever attain. This same thing has been expressed in Surah An-Nahl, thus: Whoever does righteous deeds whether male or female, provided that he is a believer, We will surely grant him to live a pure life in this world (Surah An-Nahl, ayat 97), and in Surah Maryam, thus: The Merciful will fill with love the hearts of those who believe and do righteous deeds (Surah Maryam, ayat 96). This then is the way in which there is nothing but joy and tranquility for man, for the world till the Hereafter. Its results are not transient and temporary but eternal and everlasting.

Concerning this Allah says: We shall facilitate for him the easy way. It means to say: When after affirming goodness he decides that this way alone suits him, and the evil way does not suit him, and when by making sacrifices and adopting the life of taqva practically he proves that he is true in his affirmation, Allah will make easy for him to walk this way. Then, to commit evil will become difficult for him, and to do good easy. When unlawful wealth comes before him, he will not regard it as a good bargain, but consider it a hot piece of burning coal, which he cannot hold in his hand. When opportunities for sin appear before him, he will not rush to seize them as opportunities for pleasure and enjoyment, but will look upon them as gates to Hell and will flee from them. The Prayer will not be hard for him, but he will have no internal peace until he has performed it at its appointed time. He will not feel hurt when paying the Zakat, but will regard his wealth as impure until he has paid out the Zakat from it. In short, at every step, Allah will favor him with His grace and help him to follow this way; conditions will be made favorable for him and he will be helped out of every difficulty.

Now, the question arises that in Surah Al-Balad, this very way has been called an uphill road, and here it has been described as an easy way. How can the two things be reconciled? The answer is that before a man has adopted this way, it appears to be a steep, uphill road, for ascending which he has to fight his desires, his materialistic members of the family, his relatives, his friends and those with whom he has social and other dealings, and above all Satan, for each one of them obstructs his way, and makes it seem dreadful. But after man has affirmed goodness and resolved to follow this way, and giving away his wealth in the cause of God and adopting the way of taqva, has practically strengthened his resolve, ascending the steep road becomes easy and slipping into the abyss of moral depravities becomes difficult for him. 8

(7) We will ease him toward ease.

Surah Al-Layl All Ayat (Verses)


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