Transliteration:( Qaaloo lam naku minal musalleen )
39. From this we learn that the infidels, in terms of the punishment of the Hereafter are duty-bound to worship, i.e. they will be bunished for not performing their Salaah and not giving Zakaat as well. In matters of Shariah they are not duty-bound to these.
It is for this reason that there is no Qaza of Salaah on new converts to Islam, which they had missed in their days of infidelity. Or, it could mean that we were not from the group that was performing Salaah, i.e. we were not believers. However, the first meaning is more apparent.
The tafsir of Surah Muddaththir verse 43 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Muddaththir ayat 38 which provides the complete commentary from verse 38 through 56.
(74:43) They will answer: “We were not among those who observed Prayer,[33]
33. That is, we were not of those who after having believed in Allah and His Messenger and His Book, performed the foremost duty imposed by Allah, i.e. the Prayer. Here, it should be understood well that unless a person has believed he cannot offer the Prayer at all. Therefore, one’s being of those who performed the Prayer, by itself implies that one is a believer. But by attributing one’s going to Hell to his not being of those who performed their Prayer, it has been made explicit that one cannot escape Hell even after having believed if he does not perform his Prayers regularly.
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