Transliteration:( Wa kazzaboo wattaba'ooo ahwaaa'ahum; wa kullu amrin mustaqirr )
4. This means these stubborn infidels failed to accept faith even after seeing this glorious miracle of splitting of the moon, calling it the work of witchcraft. Yet, many travelling to Makkah had testified that they had witnessed the splitting of the moon on a certain night. Yet, these infidels were stubborn that it was nothing but witchcraft, purely because of their selfish motives.
5. This means those whom fate had decided that they would die on infidelity, would not accept Islam, no matter what miracles they see. Or, it means that without any shadow of a doubt, Islam will gain ascendancy over every faith. Its time of success is appointed. No matter what the infidels try to do they will not be able to alter this.
The tafsir of Surah Qamar verse 3 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Qamar ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 5.
(54:3) They also gave the lie to (the splitting asunder of the moon) and only followed their desires.[3] Yet everything is destined to reach an end. [4]
3. That is, they still persisted in the same decision that they had made of denying the Hereafter and have not changed their mind even after having witnessed this manifest sign, mainly because it clashed with their desires of the flesh.
4. That is, it cannot be so endlessly that Muhammad (peace be upon him) should go on inviting you to the truth while you persist in your falsehood stubbornly and his truth and your falsehood should never be established. All affairs ultimately have to reach an appointed end. Likewise, inevitably this conflict between you and Muhammad (peace be upon him) has also to reach an end. A time will certainly come when it will be clearly established that he had been in the right and you in the wrong throughout. Likewise, the worshipers of the truth shall one day see the result of their worshiping the truth and the worshipers of falsehood of their worshiping the falsehood.
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