Transliteration:( Wa dakhalal madeenata 'alaa heene ghaflatim min ahlihaa fawajada feeha raju laini yaqtatilaani haazaa min shee'atihee wa haaza min 'aduwwihee fastaghaasahul lazee min shee'atihee 'alal lazee min 'aduwwihee fawakazahoo Moosaa faqadaa 'alaihi qaala haaza min 'amalish Shaitaani innahoo 'aduwwum mmudillum mubeen )
36 He entered I gypt through Pharoah's for because his fort was on the edge of the city or just outside it Or he had come to Egypt to Manaf. Ain Shams (names of cities) Mansaf was situated within the boundary of Egypt Its name in that language was SAHAH, while Ain Shams is found about two kilometers from Egypt (Tulscer Roohul Ma'ani & Khazainul Irfaani)
37 This means in the afternoon when usually all the roads alleys and market places are empty as people are resting during this time
38 This means he was from the Israelites The author of Roohul Bayaan states that this was Saman Outwardly, he was from his people but he ended up being a reprobate He made the golden calf and became the cause of the Israelites going astray. This means he was from QIBTEES. This Qibti was oppressing the Israelites. His name was Fatoon who was the chef of the Pharoah He was telling this Isrealite to take the wood to the kitchen by force. The Israelite refused. (Tafseer Roohul Ma'uani). The Holy QUR'AAN refers to Shia as an infidel group of people This word appears eleven times in the Holy QUR'AAN Says Allah Almighty And undoubtedly. Ehrahim belongs to this same group" (S37 V83) In the infidel group Allah Almighty sent Prophet like Hazrat Ebrahim (On whom be peace) Hazrat Ebrahim (On whom he peace) said: "I find you and your people in manifest error (S6:V74). It is further stated: "Undoubtedly, you are manifestly a misguided people (528 VIS).
39. First Hazrat Moosa (On whom be peace) tried to explain to Fatoon to refrain from oppressing. When he refused, he was given a hard slap.
40. From this we learn that Allah Almighty gives His Prophets both spiritual and physical strength. Thus, the Qibti was unable to bear the power of just one slap of Hazrat Moosa (On whom be peace). In fact, their strength is greater than that of the angels. Even Hazrat Israel was unable to withstand the power of one slap of Hazrat Moosa (On whom be peace) It should be remembered that it is not a sin to take the life of an oppressive infidel. Also, his intention was not to kill this Qibti.
41. The oppression of the Qibti against the Israelite was the work of the devil, and not his killing, because it is important to punish a cruel infidel. Also, Prophets are totally innocent and sinless before and after receiving prophethood (Khazairul Irfaan).
42. This means the devil is leading the Qibtees astray.
The tafsir of Surah Qasas verse 15 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Qasas ayat 14 which provides the complete commentary from verse 14 through 19.
(28:15) Once he entered the city at a time when its people were heedless,[20] and he encountered two men fighting, one of whom belonged to his own people and the other to his foes. Now the man belonging to Moses’ own people cried out to him for help against the man from the foes, and Moses struck him with his fist[21] and finished him. Moses said: “This is an act of Satan. Surely he is an enemy who openly misleads.”[22]
20. It might be the early morning, or midday in summer, or night in winter, when the roads were deserted and there was all quiet in the city. The words “entered the city” indicate that the royal palaces were situated outside the capital, away from the common population. The words used are “entered the city” and not “came out in the city”, because the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) lived in the royal palace.
21. The word wakaza in the original means both giving a slap and giving a blow. We have adopted “Moses gave a blow” for the reason that a blow can cause death but not a slap.
22. One can imagine the state of utter remorse and confusion in which the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) uttered these words when he saw the Egyptian fall down after receiving the blow and breathe his last. He had no intention to murder, nor is a blow struck to kill, nor can one expect that a healthy person would die on receiving a blow. That is why the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) exclaimed: “This is the work of Satan! He has made me do this in order to work some great mischief, so that I am accused of killing an Egyptian while defending an Israelite, and a violent storm of anger and indignation is aroused in the whole of Egypt not only against me but the whole Israelite community.” In this connection, the Bible gives a different version from the Quran. It declares the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) to be guilty of willful murder. It says that when Moses saw an Egyptian and an Israelite fighting, “He (Moses) looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, He slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.” (Exodus 2: 12). The same is the version of the Talmud also. Now anybody can see how the Israelites brand the characters of their elders with infamy and how the Quran exonerates them. The verdict of common sense also is that a wise and discreet person, who was to become a great Prophet in the future, and who had to give man a great code of law and justice, could not be such a blind nationalist that seeing a member of his own community fighting with a man of the other community, he would be so infuriated that he would kill the other person willfully. Evidently, it could not be lawful to kill the Egyptian only for the sake of rescuing an Israelite from his tyranny.
[1097]- i.e., during the noon period of rest.
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