Transliteration:( Wa Yawma yunaadeehim fa yaqoolu aina shurakaaa'iyal lazeena kuntum tazz'umoon )
81. From this emerge two points:
1..The infidels would be made to give account of their sins and defective beliefs openly, thus the word call is used so that they would be disgraced thereby .The good deeds of the believers would be accounted for in the open but their sins would be accounted for in secret, so that this would not become a means of disgrace for them.
2. It is permissible to make fun of the infidels. The statement of Allah Almighty: "Do I have partners", would be said to embarrass these infidels.
74. And the Day when He will call to them, and will say: “Where are My (so-called) partners, whom you used to assert” 75. And We shall take out from every nation a witness, and We shall say: “Bring your proof.” Then they shall know that the truth is with Allah, and the lies which they invented will disappear from them.
This is another call by way of rebuke for those who worshipped other gods besides Allah. The Lord, may He be exalted, will call to them before all the witnesses, and will say:
(Where are My (so-called) partners, whom you used to assert) meaning, in this world.
(And We shall take out from every nation a witness,) Mujahid said, “This means a Messenger.”
(and We shall say: “Bring your proof.”) meaning, `of the truth of your claim that Allah had any partners.’
(Then they shall know that the truth is with Allah,) meaning, that there is no god besides Him. Then they will not speak and they will not be able to find any answer.
(and the lies which they invented will disappear from them.) they will vanish and will be of no benefit to them.
(28:74) (Let them bear in mind) that on that Day when He will call out to them saying: “Where are My associates, those whom you imagined to be so?”
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
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