Transliteration:( Afabihaazal hadeesi antum mudhinoon )
74. Here the word "statement" denotes the Holy Qur'aan because it contains all types of statements: laws, similitudes, stories, codified laws concerning Shariah and Tareeqat. By showing lazyness is meant not accepting them or delaying to accept them or to regard them as petty.
The tafsir of Surah Waqiah verse 81 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Waqiah ayat 75 which provides the complete commentary from verse 75 through 82.
(56:81) Do you, then, take this discourse in light esteem,[40]
40. Literally, idhan (from which mudhinun of the text is derived) means to treat something with contempt, to deny its due importance, to regard it as unworthy of serious attention, to hold it in light esteem.
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