Transliteration:( Yunazzilul malaaa 'ikata birroohi min amrihee 'alaa mai yashaaa'u min 'ibaadiheee an anzirooo annahoo laaa ilaaha illaaa ana fattaqoon )
3. Revelation is called spirit because it bequeathes life in a person. Life gives existence to the body and revelation gives existence to Life itself. If this is separated death will occur. The bringer of revelation is Hazrat Jibrael (On whom be peace) alone, but out of respect the plural form, angels, is used. At the revelation of certain verses, Hazrat Jibrael (On whom be peace) would be accompanied by other angels as well. Hence use is made of the plural form, angels.Â
4. This is a reply to the objection of the Jews and Christians which is specific to the prophethood of the Israelites. Or, it is a reply to that taunting remarks of the Quraish that prophethood should have been received by someone wealthy. The Qadyanis cannot use this verse as a proof of their belief, because Allah Almighty Himself ended Prophethood on This and the Holy Prophet ? to prophethood has taken place according to His will and intention.
5.This command of "wurn" could be directed to the Holy Prophet ? or the believers or the Ulama of Islam because propagation work is here to remain for all times. Every Muslim should propagate the message of Islam according to his own ability.
2. He sends down the angels with the Ruh (revelation) of His command to those servants of His whom He wills (saying): “Warn mankind that none has the right to be worshipped but I, so have Taqwa of Me.”
(He sends down the angels with the Ruh) refers to the revelation. This is like the Ayat:
(And thus We have sent to you a Ruh (revelation) by Our command. You knew not what is the Book, nor what is the faith. But We have made it a light by which We guide whomever We will among Our servants.) ﴿43:52﴾
(to those servants of His whom He wills) meaning the Prophets, as Allah says:
(Allah best knows where to place His Message.) ﴿6:124﴾
(Allah chooses Messengers from angels and from men.) ﴿22:75﴾
(He sends the Ruh (revelation) by His command to whoever among His servants He wills to, that he may warn of the Day of Meeting. The Day when they will (all) come out, nothing about them will be hidden from Allah. Whose is the kingdom this Day: It is Allah’s, the One, the Irresistible!) (40:15-16)
((saying): “Warn…”) meaning that they should alert them.
(that none has the right to be worshipped but I, so have Taqwa of Me.) means, `fear My punishment, if you go against My commands and worship anything other than Me.’
(16:2) He sends down this spirit(of prophecy) by His command through His angels[3] on any of His servants whom He wills,[4] (directing them): “Warn people that there is no deity but Me; so hold Me alone in fear.”[5]
3. This means the Spirit of Prophethood with which a Prophet is imbued in order to fulfill his mission by word and deed. The Quran has called this the Spirit in several places, for this has the same relation to the mission of a Prophet and his moral life, which the soul has to the physical human life.
4. As one of the things, which prompted the disbelievers to challenge the Prophet (peace be upon him) for scourge, was their presumption that he was not a true Prophet. Allah told them categorically that he was a true Prophet who had been imbued with the Spirit which We had sent down on him.
“Spirit of His command, upon whom He wills.” This is the answer to the objections which the chiefs of the Quraish used to raise against the Prophet (peace be upon him): Had Allah wanted to send a Messenger to them, was there no one better than Muhammad (peace be upon him), son of Abdullah, for this mission. Why did He not choose one of the big chiefs of Makkah or Taif for the purpose? Such absurd objections needed no other answer than this that is why such an answer has been given in several places of the Quran as if to say: Allah knows best how to do His work, and does not stand in need of any advice from you. He chooses for His mission anyone whom He considers fit for it.
5. This verse declares the essence of the Spirit of Prophethood, which is this: Godhead belongs to one Allah alone, so only He is worthy of fear. Therefore, there is no other anchor that might make fast and hold together human moral system than His fear. For it is the fear of His displeasure and His punishment, and the fear of the consequences of His disobedience which alone can act as a strong deterrent to restrain one from deviation. That is why mankind has been admonished: Fear Me.
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