Transliteration:( Allazeena tatawaf faahu mul malaaa'ikatu zaalimeee anfusihim fa alqawus salama maa kunnaa na'malu min sooo'; balaaa innal laaha 'aleemum bimaa kuntum ta'maloon )
55. From this emerge a few issues:Â
1. Deeds of Allah Almighty can be linked with some of His special servants, because to give death is the work of Allah Almighty, but He states that angels cause death.Â
Thus it is correct to say that the Holy Prophet ? bestows honour, grants paradise, etc.
2. To take out life is the work of Hazrat Izraeel (On whom be peace) but at that point in time he is accompanied by other angels under him. Thus there is no inconsistency in this verse and the other verse: "Say you, the angel of death causes you to die" (S32:V11). Like Allah Almighty says: "He sends down the angels with the spirit from his comand" (S16 V2) Observe, to bring revelation is the duty of Hazrat Jibraeel (On whom be peace), but plural form of angels is used.
3. The circumstances of one's death hold credence. He who dies on infidelity is an infidel.Â
56. From this we learn that credence is given to one's end or death on belief or infidelity. He who is an infidel throughout his life, but at the time of death becomes a believer, is a believer. Likewise, anyone who is a believer throughout his life but becomes an infidel at the time of his death, is an infidel. The verses in which wrongs of the infidels are described, will all signify this.
57. It is obvious that the infidels will intentionally reject that we were not infidels, nor were we evil doers. It is also possible that they may forget their religion and deeds as a result they express denial. As an example the infidel in the grave will utter I know not what my religion is. But the believer will remember his deeds, as well as admit about them.
58. In the presence of the ruler of the day who is All-Knowing and Omniscient, the denial of the accused will be useless. Despite this the hands, the feet, etc of the infidels will be made to testify against them. However, this testimony is not for the knowledge of Allah Almighty, but to silence the offender
28. Those whose lives the angels take while they are doing wrong to themselves. Then, they will (falsely) submit (saying): “We did not do any evil.” (The angels will reply): “Yes! Truly, Allah is Most Knowing of what you did.” 29. “So enter the gates of Hell, to abide therein, and indeed, what an evil abode there is for the arrogant.”
Allah informs us of the state of the idolators who are doing wrong to themselves when death approaches and the angels come to seize their evil souls.
(Then, they will (falsely) submit) meaning, they will make it appear as if they used to listen and obey by saying,
(We did not do any evil.) Similarly, on the Day of Resurrection, they will say,
(By Allah, our Lord, we were not idolators.) ﴿6:23﴾
(On the Day when Allah will resurrect them all together; then they will swear to Him as they swear to you.) ﴿58:18﴾ Allah says, rejecting what they say,
(“Yes! Truly, Allah is Most Knowing of what you did. So enter the gates of Hell, to abide therein, and indeed, what an evil abode there is for the arrogant.”) (16:28-29), meaning, a miserable position in the abode of humiliation for those who were too arrogant to pay atten- tion to the signs of Allah and follow His Messengers. They will enter Hell from the day they die with their souls, and their bodies will feel the heat and hot winds of their graves. When the Day of Resurrec- tion comes, their souls will be reunited with their bodies, to abide forever in the fire of Hell, and
(It will not be complete enough to kill them nor shall its torment be lightened for them.) (35:36) As Allah says,
(The Fire, they are exposed to it morning and afternoon. And on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to the angels): “Cause Fir’awn’s people to enter the severest torment!”) (40:46).
(16:28) the same[24] unbelievers who, when the angels seize them and cause them to die while they are engaged in wrong-doing, they will proffer their submission[25] saying: “We were engaged in no evil.” (The angels will answer them): “Surely Allah knows well all that you did.
24. This is Allah’s addition to the previous assertion, and not its continuation. Those commentators, who have wrongly considered this as continuation of the preceding sentence, are unable to offer any satisfactory explanation for their opinion.
25. That is, when the angels take possession of their souls at the time of death.
[697]- i.e., having made punishment due to them for their numerous sins and crimes.
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