Transliteration:( Wa laa tahinoo fibtighaaa'il qawmi in takoonoo ta'lamoona fa innahum ya'lamoona kamaa ta'lamoona wa tarjoona minal laahi maa laa yarjoon; wa kaanal laahu 'Aleeman Hakeemaa )
333. Reason for its Revelation:
On termination of the Battle of Uhud the Holy Prophet ? ordered the Companions to go in pursuit of the infidels so that they would not turn back. On hearing this
the Companions complained of being badly wounded. In response to it, this verse was revealed i.e. if the infidels can muster the courage to pursue you despite their wounded condition, then why don't you do the same? From this, we learn that for the purpose of encouraging the Muslim warriors it is permissible to talk about the courage and bravery of the infidels.
The tafsir of Surah Nisa verse 104 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Nisa ayat 103 which provides the complete commentary from verse 103 through 104.
(4:104) Do not be faint of heart in pursuing these people:[138] if you happen to suffer harm they too are suffering just as you are, while you may hope from Allah what they cannot hope for.[139] Allah is All-Knowing, All- Wise.
138. This refers to those unbelievers who adamantly opposed the cause of Islam and the establishment of the Islamic order.
139. It is astonishing that men of faith should not be prepared to endure the same degree of hardship for the sake of the Truth as unbelievers do for the sake of falsehood. This is strange insofar as the latter merely seek the transient benefits of worldly life whereas the faithful seek to please, and secure the proximity of the Lord of the Universe and look forward to everlasting rewards.
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