Transliteration:( Faminhum man aamana bihee wa minhum man sadda 'anh; wa kafaa bi Jahannama sa'eeraa )
193. By this is meant to believe in the Holy Prophet ? as done by Hazrat Abdullah bin Salaam, and Ka'bah Ahbaar (Radiallahu Anhu).
194. By this is meant to remain deprived of Faith, like Ka'b bin Ashraf, etc. From this, we learn that knowledge will only prove beneficial when the blessings of Allah Almighty become part of it.Â
Hazrat Abdullah bin Salaam (Radiallahu Anhu) and Ka'bah bin Ashraf both possessed knowledge of Tauraat but Hazrat Abdullah (Radiallahu Anhu) benefitted because of his faith, while Ka'b lost out because of his infidelity.
The tafsir of Surah Nisa verse 55 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Nisa ayat 53 which provides the complete commentary from verse 53 through 55.
(4:55) whereupon some of them believed, and others turned away.[87] (Those who turn away), Hell suffices for a blaze.
87. This is in response to the malicious remarks of the Israelites. What is being said is that they had no reason to feel jealous since both the Israelites and Ishmaelites were offspring of the same Abraham. Now, the leadership of the world had been promised only to those children of Abraham who followed the Book and Wisdom revealed by God. The Book and Wisdom had been sent down earlier to the Israelites, and to their discredit they had turned away from them. The same Book and Wisdom had now been made available to the Ishmaelites and they had decided to greet it with faith and gratitude.
[194]- In what was given to them. Also interpreted as "in him," i.e., Muḥammad (ﷺ).
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