Transliteration:( Alif-Laaam-Meeem-Raa; tilka Aayaatul Kitaab; wallazee unzila ilaika mir Rabbikal haqqu wa laakinna aksaran naasi laa yu'minoon )
1. This is a Makkan Surah, revealed before Hijrah. Only two of its verses, a portion of verse thirty-one and verse forty-three were revealed in Madina. It contains six Rukus, forty-three verses, eight hundred and twenty-five words, and three thousand five hundred and six letters. Some scholars have said it to be revealed in Madina.
2. In the word 'this' there is a hint towards all the past and future verses, or towards the verses contained in Surah Ra'd. By book, it means the Holy QURAN.
3. This tells us that both the Holy QURAN and hadith Nawabi are correct because here "that which has been sent" is being used, because Hadith too is from Allah Almighty. The only difference is that in the QUR'AAN the words are of Allah Almighty while in the Hadith the words are of the holy prophet but the content is from Allah Almighty.
It is for this reason that Hadith Shareef is not recited in Salaah. However, for Islamic Laws the QURAN and Hadith hold equal importance. Thus if one takes "that which '' to mean Hadith is better because the Book has been mentioned earlier. Thus "that which '' will be something other than the Book. The first of two words joined by a conjunction will be different to the second word.
4. In some from the infidels call it poetry, some call it magic, some call it soothsaying. From this, we understand that the effect of the effector is dependent on the ability of the affected. The noise of the rain cannot grow verdure in the earth, the sun cannot let sunlight reach the bat
1. Alif Lam-Mim Ra. These are the verses of the Book (the Qur’an), and that which has been revealed unto you from your Lord is the truth, but most men believe not.
We talked before, in the beginning of Surat Al-Baqarah (chapter 2) about the meaning of the letters that appear in the beginnings of some chapters in the Qur’an. We stated that every Surah that starts with separate letters, affirms that the Qur’an is miraculous and is an evidence that it is a revelation from Allah, and that there is no doubt or denying in this fact. This is why Allah said next,
(These are the verses of the Book), the Qur’an, which Allah described afterwards,
(and that which has been revealed unto you), O Muhammad,
(from your Lord is the truth,) Allah said next,
(but most men believe not.) just as He said in another Ayah,
(And most of mankind will not believe even if you desire it eagerly.) ﴿12:103﴾ Allah declares that even after this clear, plain and unequivocal explanation (the Qur’an), most men will still not believe, due to their rebellion, stubbornness and hypocrisy.
(13:1) Alif. Lam. Mim. Ra’. These are the verses of the Divine Book. Whatever has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, and yet most (of your) people do not believe.[1]
1. This is the introduction to this Surah, in which its aim and object has been enunciated in a few words. Allah has addressed the Prophet (peace be upon him) to this effect: O Prophet, most of your people are rejecting the teachings of the Quran for one reason or the other, but the fact is that what We are sending down to you is the truth whether people believe it or not.
After this brief introduction, the discourse deals with the main subject of the Surah which consists of three basic things. First, the entire universe belongs to Allah alone, and none besides Him has any right to service and worship. Second, there is another life after this life in which you shall have to render an account of all your actions. Third, I am a Messenger of Allah: whatever I am presenting before you is not from myself but from Allah. As the people were rejecting these three things, these have been reiterated over and over again in various forms to remove doubts and objections from the minds of the disbelievers.
[622]- See footnote to 2:1.
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