Transliteration:( Wa maa anta bihaadil 'umyi 'an dalaalatihim in tusmi'u illaa mai yuminu bi aayaatinaa fahum muslimoon (section 5) )
118. It means those unfortunate wretches who are inwardly blind and faith is not in their lot, they will not obtain guidance from you From this we learn that anyone who is not a wretch from the beginning. the Holy Prophet will provide guidance for bun The one who says that the Holy Prophet ge, can not provide guidance, is acknowledging that he is an eternal wretch
119. From this last portion we learn that, here. dead denotes infidels and not the deceased. otherwise they would not have been compared with the believers, because the believer is opposite of an infidel and not of the deceased That the dead can hear is proven in the Holy Our 430 Says Allah Almighty "And ask those About Our Messengers who we sent before you (S43 V45) Also, Hazrat Shuaib and Hazrat Saleh (On them be peace) had addressed the dead people If the meaning of this verse is taken at the literal level then it would become incumbent to believe that the Holy Prophet was unable to provide guidance to the blind, although in reality there) are millions of blind Muslims. Thus, just as "hind here denotes the infidels, likewise the dead too denote the infidels. The commentary of this is found in the following verses: "They dead. ulive und they know not" (S16.V21). At another place, Allah Almighty says "The condition of both parties is like the one is the blind and deaf and the other seeing and hearing"(S11:V24). Believe in the Qur'aan Qur'aan The Holy Prophet ure no! as addressing the slain . infidels of Badr, asked "Tell me, whatever I had said is true or not" Today too, there is an order that when you enter the cemetery extend greetings to the inmates of the grave. Everyone offering Salaah extends greetings to the Holy In short, regarding hearing of the dead, the Islamic law has compiled many regulations. The Holy in it Prophet says After the" Prophet hurial the deceased can hear the footsteps of those who had attended the burial.
The tafsir of Surah Ar-Rum verse 53 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Rum ayat 52 which provides the complete commentary from verse 52 through 53.
(30:53) nor can you guide the blind out of their error.[78] You can make none hear (your call) except those who believe in Our Signs and have surrendered themselves (to Him).
78. That is, “It is not for the Prophet that he should help and guide the blind by the hand to the right way all through the life. He can only show guidance to the right path. But guiding those whose hearts have been blinded and who do not at all see the way that the Prophet tries to show them, is not within the power of the Prophets.”
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