Transliteration:( Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo koonooo ansaaral laahi kamaa qaala 'Eesab-nu-Maryama lil Hawaariyyeena man ansaareee ilal laah; qaalal Hawaariyyoona nahnu ansaa rul laahi fa aamanat taaa'ifatum mim Banee Israaa'eela wa kafarat taaa'ifatun fa ayyadnal lazeena aamanoo 'alaa 'aduwwihim fa asbahoo zaahireen )
28. In that during the blessed lifetime of the Holy Prophet ﷺ engaged in holy war with him, and after him, remain firmly with the Rightly Guided Caliphs. (Khulafa-ur- Rashideen) to spread Islam and remain such Mujahids(warriors) until the Day of Judgement.
29. This intimates that seeking assistance from the servants of Allah Almighty in times of difficulties is the practice of the Prophets. This is not an act of polytheism, nor is it against and we beg you alone for help" (S1:V4).
30. The sincere disciples of Hazrat Isa(On whom be peace) are called HAWWARI, who are Twelve in number and were the first to declare faith in him. From them some were launderers.
31. From this we learn that one reason for calling the Christians by this name is because their ancestors had asked Hazrat Isa(On whom be peace): "We are helpers of Allah." Like the Companions of our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم whose helpers are known as Ansaar.
If it were forbidden to take help of someone other than Allah Almighty, then both these names would have become polytheism. Furthermore, to assist the beloved servants of Allah Almighty is, in reality, helping the Religion of Allah Almighty. Although the Hawwareen had helped Hazrat Isa (On whom be peace), they had said: "We are helpers of Allah Almighty."
32. This means after the ascension of Hazrat Isa (On whom be peace) to heaven, the Christians became divided into three sects: one said that Hazrat Isa (On whom be peace)is God, the second said that he is the son of God and the third said he is the servant of Allah Almighty and His Messenger. The first two sects became infidels while the third remained believers. We helped this third group by sending the Holy Prophet ﷺ through the blessing of which this third sect had become dominant (Tafseer Khazain and Roohul Mu'ani).
14. O you who believe! Be you helpers (in the cause) of Allah as said `Isa, son of Maryam, to the Hawariyyin (the disciples): “Who are my helpers (in the cause) of Allah” The Hawariyyun said: “We are Allah’s helpers” (i.e., we will strive in His cause!). Then a group of the Children of Israel believed and a group disbelieved. So, We gave power to those who believed against their enemies, and they became the victorious (uppermost).
Allah the Exalted orders His faithful servants to be Allah’s supporters at all times, in all their statements and actions, sacrificing their selves and wealth. Allah orders them to accept His and His Messenger’s call, just as the disciples said to Prophet `Isa when he said,
(Who are my helpers (in the cause) of Allah) meaning, `who will support me in conveying the Message of Allah, the Exalted and Most Honored’
(The Hawariyyun said) in reference to the followers of `Isa, peace be upon him,
(We are Allah’s helpers) meaning, `we will support you with regards to the Message you have been sent with and will help you convey it.’ Whereby, `Isa sent the disciples to the various areas of Ash-Sham to call the Greeks and the Israelites to Islam. Similarly, during the days of Hajj, Allah’s Messenger used to ask,
(Who will support me in conveying the Message of my Lord Verily, the Quraysh have prevented me from conveying the Message of my Lord.) Allah the Exalted and Most Honored raised Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj to support the Prophet. They were the residents of Al-Madinah who gave the pledge to him and supported him, vowing to protect him from mankind and the Jinns if he migrated to them. When he migrated to them with his Companions, they fulfilled their vow to Allah. This is the reason why Allah and His Messenger called them, Al-Ansar, the Supporters. The name became synonymous with them. May Allah be pleased with them and please them, as well.
Allah said,
(Then a group of the Children of Israel believed and a group disbelieved.) When `Isa, peace be on him, conveyed the Message of his Lord to his people and the disciples supported him, a group from the Children of Israel believed. They accepted the guidance that `Isa brought to them, while another group, was led astray. This group rejected what `Isa brought them, denied his prophethood and invented terrible lies about him and his mother. They are the Jews, may Allah curse them until the Day of Judgement. Another group exaggerated over `Isa, until they elevated him to more than the level of prophethood that Allah gave him. They divided into sects and factions, some saying that `Isa was the son of Allah, while others said that he was one in a trinity, and this is why they invoke the father, the son and the holy ghost! Some of them said that `Isa was Allah, as we mentioned in the Tafsir of Surat An-Nisa’.
Allah said,
(So, We gave power to those who believed against their enemies,) vthat is, `We gave them victory over the group of Christians which defied them,’
(and they became the victorious (uppermost).) `over the disbelieving group, when We sent Muhammad.’ Imam Abu Ja`far bin Jarir At-Tabari reported that Ibn `Abbas said, “When Allah decided to raise `Isa to heaven, `Isa went to his companions while drops of water were dripping from his head. At that time, there were twelve men at the house. `Isa said to them, `Some of you will disbelieve in me twelve times after having believed in me.’ He then asked, `Who among you volunteers that he be made to resemble me and be killed instead of me; he will be with me in my place (in Paradise).’ One of the youngest men present volunteered, but `Isa commanded him to sit down. `Isa repeated his statement and the young man again stood up and volunteered, and `Isa again told him to sit down. `Isa repeated the same statement and the young man volunteered. This time, `Isa said, `Then it will be you.’ The appearance of `Isa was cast upon that young man, while `Isa, peace be on him, was raised to heaven through an opening in the roof of the house. The Jews came looking for `Isa and arrested the one that appeared as him, killing him by crucifixion. Some of them disbelieved in `Isa twelve times, after they had believed in him. They divided into three groups. One group, Al-Ya`qubiyyah (the Jacobites), said, `Allah remained with us as much as He willed and then ascended to heaven.’ Another group, An-Nasturiyyah (the Nestorians), said, `Allah’s son remained with us as much as Allah willed and He then rasied him up to heaven.’ A third group said, `Allah’s servant and Messenger remained with us as much as Allah willed and then Allah raised him up to Him.’ The last group was the Muslim group. The two disbelieving groups collaborated against the Muslim group and annihilated it. Islam remained unjustly concealed until Allah sent Muhammad ,
(Then a group of the Children of Israel believed and a group disbelieved.) This Ayah refers to the group among the Children of Israel that disbelieved and the group that believed, during the time of `Isa,
(So, We gave power to those who believed against their enemies, and they became the victorious (uppermost).) through the victory that Muhammad gained over the religion of the disbelievers, which brought the dominance of their religion.” This is the wording in his book for the Tafsir of this honorable Ayah. Similarly, An-Nasa’i collected this statement of Ibn `Abbas in his Sunan. Therefore, the Ummah of Muhammad will always be prevalent on the truth until Allah’s command (the Final Hour) commences, while they are on this path. The last group of them will fight against Ad-Dajjal along with `Isa, peace be on him, according to Hadiths in the authentic collections. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat As-Saff. All praise and thanks are due to Allah.
(61:14) Believers, become Allah’s helpers, as Jesus, son of Mary, said to the disciples:[19] “Who is my helper in (calling people) to Allah?” The disciples had responded by saying: “We are Allah’s helpers.”[20] Then a section of the Children of Israel believed and a section rejected the call. Thereafter We aided the believers against their enemies, and they prevailed.[21]
19. For the companions of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) the word disciples generally has been used in the Bible, but later the term apostle became prevalent for them among the Christians, and in the sense that they were God’s apostles, but in the sense that the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) used to send them to different parts of Palestine as his preachers. Among the Jews this word was already in use for those who were sent to collect subscriptions for the Temple. However, the Quranic term hawari is better than both the Christian terms. The essence of this word is hur, which means whiteness. The washer man is called hawari because he whitens clothes by washing them. A pure and un-adulterated thing is also called hawari. The flour from which bran has been sifted is known as huwwara. In this very meaning this word is used for a sincere friend and an unselfish supporter. Ibn Sayyidah says: Anyone who exaggerates in helping another is his hawari. (Lisan al-Arab).
20. This is the last place in the Holy Quran where those who exert themselves in calling the people to Allah’s religion and to cause it to become dominant over disbelief, have been called helpers of Allah. Before this, this very theme has been expressed in (Surah Al-Imran, Ayat 52); (Surah Al-Hajj, Ayat 40); (Surah Muhammad, Ayat 7); (Surah Al-Hadid, Ayat 25) and (Surah Al-Hashr, Ayat 8). And we have explained these verses in (Surah Aal-Imran, ayat 52) note 50; (Surah Al-Hajj, ayat 41) note 84; (Surah Muhammad, ayat 7) note 12; (Surah Al-Hadid, ayat 25) note 47. Moreover, in (Surah Muhammad, ayat 4) note 9 light has been also thrown on an aspect of this question. In spite of this some people seem to have the confusion that when Allah Almighty is All-Powerful, Self-Sufficient, and Independent of the help of all His creatures, how then can a man be a helper of Allah? To remove this confusion we shall further explain this point here.
In fact, these people have not been called helpers of Allah for the reason that Allah, Lord of the worlds, (God forbid) stood in need of any help from some of His creatures, but because in the sphere of life in which Allah Himself has granted man freedom of belief and disbelief, obedience and disobedience. He does not will to make the people His believers and obedient servants by means of His power and might. Instead, He adopts the method of admonition and instruction to show them the right way through His Prophets and Books. The one who accepts this admonition and instruction willingly is a Momin. The one who submits practically to His commands is a Muslim and devout Godworshiper. The one who adopts an attitude of Godconsciousness is a Muttaqi. The one who vies with others for good works is a Muhsin. And over and above this, the one who starts working for the reformation of the people by means of the same method of admonition and instruction and for establishing the system of Allah’s obedience instead of disbelief and wickedness, is declared by Allah as His own helper, as has been mentioned in clear words at several places in the verses cited above. If the object were to designate such people as helpers of Allah’s religion and not of Allah, the words would have been ansaru din-Allah and not ansar-Allah, yansuruna din-Allah and not yansurun- Allah, intansuruna din-Allah and not in-iansurun-Allah. When in order to convey and express a theme; Allah has adopted one and the same style at several places, successively, it proves conclusively that the actual object is to designate these people as helpers of Allah. But this helpfulness, God forbid, is not in the sense that these people fulfill some need of Allah for which He requires their help, but it is in the sense that these people participate in the cause which Allah wills to accomplish through His Prophets and His Books instead of His great power and might.
21. Those who disbelieved in Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) are the Jews, and those who believed in him are the Christians as well as the Muslims, and Allah granted both these domination over the disbelievers of Christ. This is meant to requires the Muslims that just as the believers of Christ have dominated over his disbelievers in the past, so will the believers of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prevail over his disbelievers
(61:14) Believers, become Allah’s helpers, as Jesus, son of Mary, said to the disciples:[19] “Who is my helper in (calling people) to Allah?” The disciples had responded by saying: “We are Allah’s helpers.”[20] Then a section of the Children of Israel believed and a section rejected the call. Thereafter We aided the believers against their enemies, and they prevailed.[21]
19. For the companions of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) the word disciples generally has been used in the Bible, but later the term apostle became prevalent for them among the Christians, and in the sense that they were God’s apostles, but in the sense that the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) used to send them to different parts of Palestine as his preachers. Among the Jews this word was already in use for those who were sent to collect subscriptions for the Temple. However, the Quranic term hawari is better than both the Christian terms. The essence of this word is hur, which means whiteness. The washer man is called hawari because he whitens clothes by washing them. A pure and un-adulterated thing is also called hawari. The flour from which bran has been sifted is known as huwwara. In this very meaning this word is used for a sincere friend and an unselfish supporter. Ibn Sayyidah says: Anyone who exaggerates in helping another is his hawari. (Lisan al-Arab).
20. This is the last place in the Holy Quran where those who exert themselves in calling the people to Allah’s religion and to cause it to become dominant over disbelief, have been called helpers of Allah. Before this, this very theme has been expressed in (Surah Al-Imran, Ayat 52); (Surah Al-Hajj, Ayat 40); (Surah Muhammad, Ayat 7); (Surah Al-Hadid, Ayat 25) and (Surah Al-Hashr, Ayat 8). And we have explained these verses in (Surah Aal-Imran, ayat 52) note 50; (Surah Al-Hajj, ayat 41) note 84; (Surah Muhammad, ayat 7) note 12; (Surah Al-Hadid, ayat 25) note 47. Moreover, in (Surah Muhammad, ayat 4) note 9 light has been also thrown on an aspect of this question. In spite of this some people seem to have the confusion that when Allah Almighty is All-Powerful, Self-Sufficient, and Independent of the help of all His creatures, how then can a man be a helper of Allah? To remove this confusion we shall further explain this point here.
In fact, these people have not been called helpers of Allah for the reason that Allah, Lord of the worlds, (God forbid) stood in need of any help from some of His creatures, but because in the sphere of life in which Allah Himself has granted man freedom of belief and disbelief, obedience and disobedience. He does not will to make the people His believers and obedient servants by means of His power and might. Instead, He adopts the method of admonition and instruction to show them the right way through His Prophets and Books. The one who accepts this admonition and instruction willingly is a Momin. The one who submits practically to His commands is a Muslim and devout Godworshiper. The one who adopts an attitude of Godconsciousness is a Muttaqi. The one who vies with others for good works is a Muhsin. And over and above this, the one who starts working for the reformation of the people by means of the same method of admonition and instruction and for establishing the system of Allah’s obedience instead of disbelief and wickedness, is declared by Allah as His own helper, as has been mentioned in clear words at several places in the verses cited above. If the object were to designate such people as helpers of Allah’s religion and not of Allah, the words would have been ansaru din-Allah and not ansar-Allah, yansuruna din-Allah and not yansurun- Allah, intansuruna din-Allah and not in-iansurun-Allah. When in order to convey and express a theme; Allah has adopted one and the same style at several places, successively, it proves conclusively that the actual object is to designate these people as helpers of Allah. But this helpfulness, God forbid, is not in the sense that these people fulfill some need of Allah for which He requires their help, but it is in the sense that these people participate in the cause which Allah wills to accomplish through His Prophets and His Books instead of His great power and might.
21. Those who disbelieved in Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) are the Jews, and those who believed in him are the Christians as well as the Muslims, and Allah granted both these domination over the disbelievers of Christ. This is meant to requires the Muslims that just as the believers of Christ have dominated over his disbelievers in the past, so will the believers of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prevail over his disbelievers
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