Transliteration:( Wa inna jundana lahumul ghaaliboon )
170. The army of Allah Almighty is that group which should always make a firm resolution to do work of Allah Almighty, whether they are Islamic scholars, soldiers of Islam or believers in general who take the responsibility upon themselves to serve the Religion of Allah Almighty. The end result will always be in heir favour. Although the apparent victory at Karbala was that of Yazid, and Imam Husain (May Allah be pleased with him) was martyred, yet true victory was that of Imam Husain. Yazid suffered defeat because his Khilafat and rule was cut to shreds. In this way, the objective of Imam Husain was achieved, i.e. the pristine purity of Islam was saved for all time.
The tafsir of Surah As-Saffat verse 173 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Saffat ayat 171 which provides the complete commentary from verse 171 through 179.
(37:173) and that Our hosts shall triumph.[93]
93. Allah’s army: implies the believers who obey Allah’s Messenger and side with him. This also includes those unseen powers by which Allah helps the followers of the truth.
This help and domination does not necessarily mean that in every age every Prophet of Allah and his followers must attain political dominance, but this dominance has many forms, one of which is political rule as well. Wherever the Prophets of Allah did not attain any such dominance, they did establish their moral superiority even in those places. The nations which did not accept their message and adopted a way contrary to their teachings were ultimately doomed to destruction. Whatever philosophies of error and misguidance the people invented and whatever corrupt and evil practices of life they enforced died out ultimately after they had their sway for some time. But the truths preached by the Prophets of Allah for thousands of years have been unalterable before as they are unalterable today. No one has been able to disprove them in any way.
[1314]- If not in this world, then definitely in the Hereafter.
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