Quran-94:4 Surah Ash-sharh English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

وَرَفَعۡنَا لَكَ ذِكۡرَكَ

Transliteration:( Wa raf 'ana laka zikrak )

4. And We have exalted high your remembrance [3] (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(4) And raised high for you your repute. (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Ash-Sharh Ayat 4 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

3. This is done through several ways:

1. From the noble Prophets, by making them declare faith in the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and by taking covenant from them of their service for him.

2. Everyone's remembrance is restricted to the earth but your remembrance has been made on the earth, on the Divine Throne, in the heavens.

3. Join your name with My name in the Kalimah, in the Azaan, in Salaah, in the Khutbah. Every place the other Prophets have been called by their names but you have been addressed with excellent titles.

4. I declared your remembrance the appendix of My Remembrance i.e, omitting your remembrance from the remembrance of Allah Almighty will not be beneficial.

5. I have made your remembrance a continuous thing in all places for all times. Every market is closed at some time or the other, but your market will never close.

It should be remembered that "We have raised" is in the Past Tense from which we learn that the remembrance of the Holy Prophet is raised and elevated from eternity. Then, since it has been raised by Allah Almighty none can stop it, just as no one can extinguish the light of the moon and the sun as Ailah Almighty has illuminated them, likewise your remembrance too cannot be lowered by anyone. Also, others gain greatness through wealth and kingdom, etc. but you have been granted loftiness directly from Allah Almighty." It should be remembered that we experience three different stages in our lives:

1. Period prior to coming into the world.

2. The period of coming and staying in the world.

3. Period after departure from the world. We become totally non-entity in the first and third periods but in the second stage we earn some name. But the Holy Prophet ? is renowned in all three periods. And why should he not be? Because he is the Model of! Personality of Allah Almighty. A model can never be concealed. Thus, "We have elevated" is not restricted to time but is for all times.


The tafsir of Surah Ash-Sharh verse 4 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ash Sharh ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 8.


(94:4) And did We not exalt your fame?[3]

3. This was said at a time when no one could even conceive how the renown of the one unique individual, who had only a few followers confined only to the city of Makkah, would be exalted throughout the world and what high fame he would achieve. But Allah Almighty gave His Messenger (peace be upon him) this good news under those very conditions and then fulfilled it in a strange way. In the first place, he took from his enemies themselves the task of exalting his renown. One of the methods that the disbelievers of Makkah adopted to defeat his mission was that in the Hajj season when the pilgrims from every corner of Arabia were attracted to their city, they would visit them at their halting places and would warn them to beware of a dangerous man called Muhammad (peace be upon him), who they alleged, worked such magic on the people that father was separated from son, brother from brother, and husband from wife; therefore, they should keep away from him. The same thing they said to all other people, who visited Makkah on other than Hajj days in connection with pilgrimage or on other business. In this way although they were trying to defame the Prophet (peace be upon him), yet the result was that his name reached every nook and corner of Arabia and the enemies themselves took him out of his seclusion in Makkah and introduced him among all the tribes of the country. After this, it was but natural that the people should become curious to know as to who this man was, what he preached, what was his character like and who were the people influenced by his magic and what sort of effect his magic had on them. As the propaganda of the Makkan disbelievers spread, the people’s curiosity also grew. Then, when as a result of this curiosity the people came to know of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) morals, his character and conduct, when they heard the Quran and found what teachings it presented and when the people saw how different the lives of those who had been influenced by what was being described as magic had become from the lives of the common Arabs, the bad name started being changed into good name. So much so that by the time the Hijrah took place, there was perhaps no tribe left anywhere in Arabia from which one or another person, one or another clan had not accepted Islam and in which at least some people had not developed sympathy and interest in the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his message. This was the first stage of the exaltation of his renown. Then from the Hijrah started the second stage in which, on the one hand, the hypocrites, the Jews and the prominent polytheists of Arabia were actively engaged in defaming him, and, on the other, the Islamic State of Al-Madinah was presenting such a practical model of God-worship, God consciousness, piety and devotion, purity of morals and community life, justice and equity, equality of man and man, generosity of the rich, care of the poor, fulfillment of pledges and promises and righteousness in dealings, which was conquering the hearts. The enemies tried by resort to war to impede the growing influence of the Prophet (peace be upon him), but the party of the believers, trained and developed under his own leadership, proved its superiority by their discipline, their bravery, their fearlessness of death, and their adherence to restrictions of morality even in the state of war, so convincingly that entire Arabia had to recognize it as a power to be reckoned with. Within ten years the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) renown become so exalted that the same land in which the opponents had exerted their utmost to defame him, reverberated with the slogan of Ash hadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasul Allah from one end to the other. Then the third stage commenced with the establishment of the righteous Caliphate when his holy name started being mentioned and praised everywhere in the world. This process continues till today, and will continue till Resurrection if Allah so wills. Wherever in the world there exists a settlement of the Muslims, the apostleship of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is being proclaimed aloud in the call to the Prayer five times a day, blessings of Allah are being invoked on him in the Prayers, and his sacred remembrance is being made in the Friday Sermons. There is no moment in the 12 months of the year and in the 24 hours of the day when at one or another place in the world, the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) name is not being mentioned. This is a clear proof of the truth of the Quran that when in the initial stage of the Prophethood Allah proclaimed wa rafana laka dhikrak, no one could estimate and imagine with what esteem and to what great extent the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) renown would be exalted. In a Hadith, Abu Saeed Khudri has reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Gabriel came to me and said: My Lord and your Lord asks, in what ways have I exalted your renown. I submitted: Allah alone has the best knowledge. He said, Allah says: Whenever mention is made of Me, you too will be mentioned along with Me. (Ibn Jarir, lbn Abi Hatim, Musnad Abu Yala, Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Hibban, Ibn Marduyah, Abu Nuaim). The whole later history stands witness that this prediction has proved literally true.

(4) And raised high for you your repute.

Surah Ash-Sharh All Ayat (Verses)


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