Transliteration:( Wa ilaa rabbika far ghab )
7. In that the hand should be in service and the heart should be fixed towards the Beloved. Or, do not even desire Paradise in compensation for your worship. Remain only to seek the pleasure of your Lord. Or, do not put your heart in the material things of the world because it is transitory. Remain attached to your Lord Who is eternal. If the ship is at sea there is salvation but if the sea gets into the ship there is destruction. Let the heart be in the world, but do not allow the world to get into the heart. The heart is the residence of the beloved. It should be remembered that there are two specific signs of claiming love for Allah Almighty:
1. To have love for those beloved to Him as well as things beloved to Him.
2. Not to be displeased with Him under any condition.
The tafsir of Surah Ash-Sharh verse 8 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ash Sharh ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 8.
(94:8) and turn to your Lord with longing.[5]
5. So when you have finished (your duties): When you are free from other occupations, whether occupations in connection with the preaching of divine message, or teaching and training of the new converts, or domestic occupations of mundane nature. The commandment means: When you are no more occupied, you should spend your time in the labor and toil of Allah’s worship and turn all your attention exclusively to your Lord.
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