Transliteration:( In nashaa nunazzil 'alaihim minas samaaa'i Aayatan fazallat a'naaquhum lahaa khaadi'een )
4. If We willed, We could send down a sign from the heavens upon them, and then their necks would remain bowed down before it [4].
The tafsir of Surah Ash-Shura verse 4 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Shura ayat 1 which provides the complete commentary from verse 1 through 9.
(26:4) If We will, We can send down a Sign to them from heaven, so their necks will be humbled to it.[3]
3. That is, it is not at all difficult for Allah to send down a sign which would make all the disbelievers yield and submit. If, however, He does not send one, it does not mean that such a thing is beyond His powers, but the reason is that the belief under compulsion is not acceptable to Him. Allah wants that people should use their common-sense and recognize the truth through the verses of the divine Book and the signs which are scattered all over the universe and are found even in their own selves. Then, when their hearts are satisfied that the message of the Prophets contains the truth, and the beliefs and the creeds which are opposed to it, are false, they should willingly give up falsehood and adopt the truth. This voluntary belief, acceptance of the truth and rejection of falsehood, is what Allah demands from man. It is for this reason that Allah has bestowed upon man choice and free will, and freedom to follow any way, right or wrong, that he pleases. For the same reason He has placed in his nature both the tendencies, towards good and towards evil, and opened up before him both the ways, to piety and to sin. For the same purpose He has given Satan the freedom and respite to mislead him and has made arrangements of Prophethood, revelation and invitation to goodness to guide him to the right way, and has placed man on trial to see whether he adopts the way of belief and obedience or of disbelief and sin. On the other hand, if Allah had adopted a method of coercing people to believe and obey, it would have defeated the very purpose of the trial and test. Then there was no need to send down the signs for the purpose, but He would have created man with a pure nature, without any inclination for evil, disbelief and sin, and made him obedient by birth like the angels. This has been referred at several places in the Quran, for instance in (Surah Yunus, Ayat 99): Had your Lord willed, all the dwellers of the earth would have believed in Him. And in (Surah Hud, Ayat 118): Your Lord could have made mankind one community had He so willed, but now they will continue to follow different ways, but only those on whom Allah has His mercy (escape wrong ways). It will be so because He has created them for this (very freedom of choice and action). For further explanation, see (Surah Yunus, ayat 99) note 101-102 and (Surah Hud, ayat 119) note 116.
[1044]- i.e., they would be compelled to believe.
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